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Using Listings

Listings are dynamically-generated lists that can be added to a page section.

Examples of listings include:

Once the listing has been created, any changes to the category will be updated automatically. For instance, a list of providers will automatically include any providers that are added to the category. It is not necessary to manually update the list of providers.

Creating a listing

Listings are usually based on content node IDs or taxonomy IDs (the "Argument" shown in the image below). In order to create the listing it is necessary to understand the elements of the listing. 

To select a listing type, begin typing in the field. Choose the listing type from the potential matches shown. (Note: options displayed will include invalid choices. Use only the options above.) Skip "Block iD." This field is not currently editable. Click on "OPTIONS" to expose the "Argument" field. (Leave "Include View Title" un-checked.) The argument will be an ID number. This ID number can be a taxonomy term, a page node or other option, and requires some investigation to locate.

Listing form fields

Deleting a listing

If you have added a listing and would like to remove it, simply click on the "Remove" button and then click "Confirm removal."

Physicians by location

This listing is based on the content ID number associated with the desired location. To find the location content ID, search the location content type, here. Enter a keyword and click "filter" to see a list of potential matching locations, then click on your choice of location. The location node ID will be visible in the URL.

An example of a node ID showing in a URL.

This example listing includes all physicians at Kentucky Clinic, node ID #6785.

Acute Care Surgery, Trauma & Surgical Critical Care

Adolescent Medicine

Adult Dentistry

Audiology & Communicative Disorders

Cardiovascular & Thoracic (CT) Surgery

Colorectal Surgery

Cystic Fibrosis - Pediatrics


Ear, Nose & Throat–KY Clinic

Gastrointestinal & Minimally Invasive Surgery

Kentucky Clinic

Kentucky Neuroscience Institute

Nasal Polyp Treatment


Neuropsychology–KY Clinic


Orofacial Pain

Orthopaedic Surgery

Pediatric Cardiology

Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition

Pediatric Genetics & Metabolism

Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Pediatric Kidney Stone Clinic

Pediatric Kidney Transplant

Pediatric Nephrology

Pediatric Psychology

Pediatric Pulmonology

Pediatric Radiology

Pediatric Rheumatology

Pediatric Specialty Clinic

Pediatric Surgery

Pediatric Urology–KY Clinic

Pediatric Weight Management

Physical & Occupational Therapy–Kentucky Clinic

Pre-Operative Anesthesia Clinic

Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine

Spine Center


UK Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine

UK Transplant Center


Vascular Interventional Radiology

Voice and Swallow Clinic

Women's Health–Primary Care

Physicians by service line

This listing is based on the service line taxonomy ID number. To find the taxonomy ID, search the service line taxonomy terms, here. Click on your choice of service lines, then note the term ID in the URL. This example listing uses Dentistry, term #17532.

Partial listing of service line taxonomy.
Search by name or scroll down to view each team.

Dentistry - Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

Head & neck cancer

Physicians by service

This listing is based on the content node ID number for the corresponding service page. This should not be confused with the listing based on service lines. A service line may offer multiple services. To find the service page node ID, search the service content type, here. Click on the service of your choice, then click "edit" or "new draft," etc. The node ID will be visible in the URL. This example listing uses the Dentistry — Orofacial Pain Clinic service, node ID #14751.

Services by service line

This listing is based on the service line taxonomy ID number. To find the taxonomy ID, search the service line taxonomy terms, here. Click on your choice of service lines, then note the term ID in the URL. As in the example for "physicians by service line," this example listing uses Dentistry, term #17532, but this time the items in the list will be the services offered by that service line.

Services on location

This listing is based on the content ID number associated with the desired location. To find the location content ID, search the location content type, here. Enter a keyword and click "filter" to see a list of potential matching locations, then click on your choice of location. The location ID will be visible in the URL. This example will use the same content ID number as in the "physicians by location" example above.