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As of May 1, 2025, UK HealthCare will no longer be part of Cigna’s medical insurance network.

2025 Strategic Plan

Our vision for the future.

Our main focus has been and will continue to be on our patients and how we can exceed their expectations. Over past the decade, our focus on advanced subspecialty care and collaborating with providers across the commonwealth has been a tremendous success.

With Strategy 2025, we want to continue building on that success as the health care industry continues to rapidly evolve and change. It is critical that we have a strategy for our future that provides a clear and adaptable roadmap for our organization.

This roadmap starts with our new vision statement: One community … committed … to creating a healthier Kentucky.

One community, a unified health system that works together to deliver on every aspect of our mission: clinical care, education and research.

A community committed to our vision as well as to living out our values.

Together, we will proactively create something new. New approaches, new models, new relationships. With this vision, we will make substantial progress toward a healthier Kentucky.

One community committed to creating a healthier Kentucky.

Thousands of our team members were engaged in our strategy’s creation, from surveys to work groups. Through the yearlong process, we pulled the best of our community’s thinking to design a plan that can guide us through the next few years.

The plan outlines five key strategic objectives that will drive our future success:

  1. Build Our Culture
  2. Invest in Our People
  3. Provide More Value
  4. Advance Care Strategically
  5. Create a Healthier Kentucky

Together, focused on each other and our patients, there is no limit to what we can do for the health of Kentucky.

We must change the way we think about strategy at UK HealthCare.

Even before a novel coronavirus became an event of worldwide impact, the rapidity of change had already convinced us of the need to think differently about strategy and planning for the future.

In today’s accelerating and rapidly changing environment, our planning process must be fluid and responsive to changing consumer, market and industry dynamics.

To that end, with the 2025 strategic plan, we are initiating a framework for a recurring planning cycle where we will annually evaluate our progress and adjust as needed.  This process will integrate all aspects of enterprise decision making and hold us accountable to achieving our goals.

Our plan must be integrated, actionable and prioritized.

Our approach has been to involve a broad cross-section of the UK HealthCare community in setting our objectives that align with the 2017 College of Medicine strategic plan and support our mission of patient care, education and research.

As our teams evaluated need within our organization, our campus, our community and our commonwealth, we labored to truly prioritize and identify a realistic approach with detailed supporting tactics to reach our goals.

Our team will define the success of Strategy 2025

A successful strategy requires an enterprisewide commitment toward our vision that builds momentum and energy with endless positive impacts. The engagement of our faculty, clinicians and staff will drive our success. This document is only the beginning as we continue to refine and align our daily work over the next five years so that, together, we can create a healthier Kentucky.

We will know we are successful when:

  • All of us are working toward the same goals, on the same path, as one team.
  • Our goals align with the real needs and high expectations of our employees, patients, their families, and the community
  • We can identify clinical services that need to grow rapidly, while maintaining funding and operational excellence everywhere else.
  • Plans are continuously monitored in relation to our goals and adjusted as needed.
  • We are driven by performance standards and shared accountability to continuously improve quality and care for our patients.

We are committed to being the academic health system the commonwealth so desperately needs. Lives are at stake. And based on this commitment, we will make a real contribution to improving the health of Kentucky.

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