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Adult Burns & Scars

Severe burns can leave lasting effects. Prompt treatment results in faster healing and leads to improved scars. We provide personalized care for patients with burn scars to ensure a complete recovery.

Effects of severe burn injury

Partial-thickness burns involve only the superficial layers of the skin and, with appropriate wound care, usually result in minimal scarring. Deeper, or full-thickness burns, may require surgical excision and skin grafting. Our goal is not only to provide the best functional outcome for our patients, but also to provide the best cosmetic results for burn scar reconstruction.


There are many factors that affect the final look of a burn scar, such as healing time and whether a skin graft was used. If the burn scar crosses a joint the scar process can limit full use of the joint and result in a scar contracture. Scars can also be painful, itchy or look dramatically different from the surrounding skin. Nonsurgical measures to improve scarring include scar massage, sun protecting, compression garments, steroid injections and laser therapy.

Scar revision

Surgery can help release and or remove the scar, allowing for better movement, growth and function. This can involve rearranging the skin or using a skin graft after releasing the tissue. Other options in more severe burn scar contractures include the use of a flap, or tissue from another part of the body that contains its own blood supply. Burn reconstruction requires thoughtful planning and consideration of available donor sites.

For more information about scar revisions, refer to the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons.

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