Appalachian Career Training in Oncology (ACTION) Program
The Markey Cancer Center’s Appalachian Career Training in Oncology (ACTION) Program offers Appalachian Kentucky high school and undergraduate students enrolled at the University of Kentucky the opportunity to gain cancer research, clinical, outreach and education experiences that will enrich their interest in pursuing a biomedical career with a focus on cancer-related careers. ACTION was created in 2016 through a National Cancer Institute (NCI) Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences (CURE) supplement and has been funded as an NCI Youth Enjoy Science program since 2018.
To be eligible for the ACTION Program, students must be:
- A native of one of the 54 Appalachian Kentucky counties;
- Enrolled in a high school within Appalachian Kentucky as a rising freshman, sophomore, or junior or be a rising University of Kentucky freshman, sophomore, or junior; and
- A member of an underserved group in the research workforce including: individuals who were or are homeless, were or are in the foster care system, were or are eligible for Federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program, have no parent/legal guardian who completed a bachelor’s degree, were or are eligible for Federal Pell grants, received support from the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, or grew up in a rural or low-income and health professional shortage area.
View the map below to see which counties are eligible for prospective ACTION Program students.
Please find application forms and details for application windows below.
- The next applications for the ACTION Program will be due as follows:
- Undergraduate Applications will be due Friday, April 4, 2025, by 5 p.m.
- High School Applications will be due Friday, May 1, 2026, by 5 p.m.
Application Forms and Recommendations
- ACTION Program Undergraduate Application
- ACTION Program High School Application
Please take note of the key ACTION Program dates for high school participants below.
ACTION Program Saturday Session Schedule 2024-25
Monthly Saturday Sessions
- August 10, 2024: Orientation with Students and Guardian
- September 14, 2024
- October 12, 2024
- November 2, 2024: KY Book Festival at Joseph Beth Booksellers (Guardian Welcome to Attend)
- December 7, 2024
- January 11, 2025
- February 8, 2025
- March 8, 2025
- April 12, 2025
- May 10, 2025: Summer Orientation with Students and Guardian
* Unless special times are announced, monthly sessions will begin at 10 am and end by 4 pm.
ACTION High School Summer Residential Program Dates
- Sunday, June 8, 2025 (Move-In Day)
- Saturday, July 12, 2025 (End-of-summer symposium and Move-out)
In preparation for the ACTION summer program, high school participants must review and return certain documents such as permission forms, photo waivers, a student contract and more.
Download Summer Forms (PDF 470KB)

ACTION Program Badge
Participants that complete the ACTION Program will be awarded an ACTION Program Completion Badge. This digital badge signifies the totality of participants’ work in the program and their preparedness to address the cancer disparities in Appalachian Kentucky by pursuing cancer-related careers and conducting impactful community outreach to enhance cancer awareness across the region.
Upon completion of the program, the program coordinator will email participants a final survey to complete followed by downloads of the digital badge for personal and professional use.