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Starting Your Project

Use of the Research Communications Office is intended for cancer center members and their cancer-related projects. 

When you contact us to begin a project, we’ll probably ask a few questions. Knowing the answers from the start will help us turn the project around quickly and devote as much time as possible to high-quality work:

  • When do you need to have the project complete? 
  • What final format should we use for your materials?
  • Does anyone else besides you need to receive the finished version?
  • Are the components you are providing us as complete and final as possible?
  • Is this a revision of or related to any work we’ve done for you in the past? Do any of the components overlap?

How Long Will My Project Take?

We will do our best to communicate how long it will take to complete each job that comes our way. Standard turnaround times will vary based on our schedule; giving us as much notice as possible will help ensure we can provide work that is thorough and meets your standards. If you have a specific, set deadline, please communicate that as early as possible. The majority of projects, such as manuscript editing, figure compilation, and poster creation, can be completed in one week, but there will be many times when our office is busier than normal or working on large cancer projects with significant deadlines. The earlier you can let us know your project will need help and send your materials, the better.

After We're Finished

We’d love to know the results – did you get compliments on your presentation? Was your manuscript published? Please follow up and let us know what we can do better and what you liked. And remember to fill out our feedback survey.

Which RCO Staff Member Can Help You?

Editing & Design Services

Contact Amy BeiselCathy AnthonyDonna Gilbreath, Lauren Tecau, or Kristin Pratt

  • Editing your manuscript
  • Assembling or editing graphics/figures
  • Compiling a PowerPoint presentation
  • Designing your poster
  • Reviewing your grant

Pre-Award Grant Administration

Pre-award administration services are provided through the College of Medicine's Sponsored Research Administrative Services unit. Markey's key contacts for working with SRAS are Markey staff members, Marcia BallardMegan Eder or Rachel Grace LeComte.

  • Completing administrative forms
  • Preparing your budget
  • Initiating the eIAF
  • Tracking the progress of your proposal and the eIAF
  • Ensuring compliance with guidelines and regulations

Markey Events & Speakers

Contact Sandi Shepherd.

  • Markey Research Seminars
  • Cancer Research Day
  • Other cancer-related events 

Markey Websites, Newsletters & Communications

Contact Phillip Strunk.

  • Markey Website
  • Markey Minute weekly newsletter
  • Markey Connect
  • Internal communications / Markey interest list-serv
NCI Comprehensive Cancer Center - A Cancer Center Designated by the National Cancer Institute

Markey Cancer Center is designated by the National Cancer Institute as a Comprehensive Cancer Center – a distinction that recognizes our commitment to accelerating precision cancer research and care to patients. We are the first and only NCI-Comprehensive Cancer Center in Kentucky, and one of 57 in the nation.


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