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Run for the Roses Programs


The grant incentive programs below, in support of increasing NCI funding, a strategic priority of the cancer center, and important in maintaining NCI designation, are open to Markey Members. All members are encouraged to involve our Shared Resource Facilities in their projects and proposals.

To be eligible for the programs below, a Markey member must be the contact PI on the award, and the funds/matching funds provided by the center may not be used for subcontracts at other institutions.

Learn more about each of the three new grant incentive programs below.

The Finish Line program is open now!

Was your grant close to receiving NCI funding but your summary statement directed you to acquire more preliminary data, resources or other needed experiments? This program provides help for Markey researchers who need funding to address those comments in their re-submissions.

  • Eligible grants: Single or multi-PI NCI R01s or R21s that did not receive funding (can be either a new submission or a re-submission of a new proposal). Must be within six months of receiving your summary statement.
  • To be eligible: Compose a budget and budget justification for your proposed expenses to address specific issues/comments in the R01/R21 summary statement. Submit your budget, justification and your grant's summary statement to your Research Program leaders for consideration. Your budget justification should include clear descriptions of how the funding requested ties back to the summary statement. Research Program leaders will determine the appropriateness of the request and recommend to Markey administration projects that should receive incentive funding (requests should not exceed $20,000).

A Markey member must be the contact PI on the award, and the funds provided by the center may not be used for subcontracts at other institutions.

Be part of an MPI team and your grant can be eligible for bonuses! NCI multi-PI proposals are a gold standard for NCI-designated comprehensive cancer centers, and Markey is committed to fostering MPI research growth.

  • For each newly funded NCI R01 and R21 with a multi-PI structure, Markey will match 10% of your first year's direct cost budget (not to exceed $40,000).
  • CP/TO Bonus: If one of your MPIs is a member of the Cancer Prevention and Control Program and/or an MD in the Translational Oncology Program, Markey will bump your match up to 12% of your first year's direct cost budget (not to exceed $50,000).

A Markey member must be the contact PI on the award, and the matching funds provided by the center may not be used for subcontracts at other institutions.

The Trifecta program is open now!

Are you involved in a multi-disciplinary grant team who plans to submit a large NCI proposal (such as a SPORE or P01)? Hit the Trifecta of Team Science, Transdisciplinary Collaboration, and Training. Markey wants to support the generation of your preliminary data in advance of your multi-component grant application.

  • Eligible teams are those planning to submit a multi-component NCI application (minimum three research projects). Teams should include at least one junior faculty member and are encouraged to include members from multiple Markey Research Programs. Grants must be new submissions (grant renewals are ineligible).
  • Submit a proposed budget and timeline for grant's completion to Markey Associate Director for Administration Jennifer Rogers for review and approval.
  • Maximum awards will be $100,000 per team and will be limited to no more than five teams over the next two years.
  • Proposals will be accepted on a rolling deadline.

A Markey member must be the contact PI on the award, and the funds provided by the center may not be used for subcontracts at other institutions.

Teams awarded pilot funding under this program will be provided administrative support for their proposals, including help on tasks such as setting up team meetings, help collecting ancillary components of the grant such as biosketches, and typical editing and advisory services through Markey's Research Communications Office.


For more information, please email Markey Associate Director for Administration Jennifer Rogers.

NCI Comprehensive Cancer Center - A Cancer Center Designated by the National Cancer Institute

Markey Cancer Center is designated by the National Cancer Institute as a Comprehensive Cancer Center – a distinction that recognizes our commitment to accelerating precision cancer research and care to patients. We are the first and only NCI-Comprehensive Cancer Center in Kentucky, and one of 57 in the nation.