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Research at Markey Cancer Center


The Markey Cancer Center is a diverse matrix enterprise associated with University of Kentucky. Its broad mission is to reduce the morbidity and mortality of cancer through a comprehensive program of cancer research, education, patient care and community outreach. 

Markey's research programs span the entire spectrum of cancer epidemiology and etiology, molecular expression and regulation, cancer prevention, early detection and treatment. Associated member scientists include faculty from 28 departments of eight different colleges of University of Kentucky.

Three formal programs are organized to facilitate coordinated efforts in areas of particular breadth and strength. These include:

Cancer Prevention and
Control (CP)

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Molecular and Cellular
Oncology (MCO)

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Oncology (TO)

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Markey Cancer Center has particularly strong research and programmatic ties to the UK Colleges of Pharmacy and Public Health in addition to all of the oncology departments and divisions of the UK College of Medicine, its primary organizational base.

A principal target of the Markey Cancer Center strategic plan is the movement of advanced treatments into the mainstream of cancer management. The MCC Clinical Research Organization facilitates this process. The Markey Cancer Center is a full-member institute in multiple cooperative clinical trials groups of the National Cancer Institute, including:

Acknowledging the CCSG in your research

Was your research supported by Markey's NCI Cancer Center Support Grant? If so, please use the following statement in your published materials, and refer to our Shared Resource Facilities page for statements indicating their involvement.

The project described was supported by the National Cancer Institute Cancer Center Support Grant P30CA177558. 

Join the Markey Research Community

MCC Members have access to cancer center research space, have priority use of shared resources at discounted prices, are eligible for MCC funding for clinical, translational and basic research projects, and have access to cancer center advocacy for promotion, tenure, Wethington awards and outside or institutional funding requests. More about membership in the MCC research community.

Do you know a Markey Difference Maker?


The Markey Difference Maker award recognizes the above-and-beyond dedication and talent of those who go about the business of treating cancer patients, finding efficiencies in business procedures, improving working conditions, and, generally, making life easier for everyone associated with Markey: patients, caregivers, families, providers, administrators and staff. Click here to nominate someone you know who is making a difference at Markey!

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NCI Comprehensive Cancer Center - A Cancer Center Designated by the National Cancer Institute

Markey Cancer Center is designated by the National Cancer Institute as a Comprehensive Cancer Center – a distinction that recognizes our commitment to accelerating precision cancer research and care to patients. We are the first and only NCI-Comprehensive Cancer Center in Kentucky, and one of 57 in the nation.