Education and Training at Markey
The Markey Cancer Center offers robust, comprehensive education and training programs that leverage Markey members' expertise to train a diverse, next-generation cancer research workforce.
Accordingly, the Markey Oncology Mentoring, Education, Networking and Training Umbrella (MOMENTUM) Program aligns these education and training programs and activities to optimize interactions across training levels and address Kentucky’s rural and urban populations; improve representation of populations underrepresented in science through robust diversity and inclusion initiatives; optimize the academic and professional development of researchers at undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral levels; and advance faculty with a robust team-based mentorship program with significant resources devoted to career enhancement of physician-scientists.
MOMENTUM aims to:
- Generate early interest in cancer-related careers, emphasizing those underrepresented in science.
- Promote education and career development of a diverse cadre of graduate and postdoctoral cancer researchers.
- Foster research faculty career development in basic, population and clinical/translational sciences.
Learn more about MOMENTUM programming by exploring the opportunities below. For more information, please contact the Associate Director of Cancer Education and Mentoring, Dr. Kathleen O’Connor or the Cancer Education Coordinator, Dr. Erin Oakley.
Students in grades K-12 have access to cancer research and observational learning experiences through MOMENTUM programming. Students are able to observe cancer researchers in action, attend seminars, lectures and journal clubs, tour clinical and research facilities, and shadow clinicians. Those committed to long-term projects have the opportunity to carry out their research projects under the mentorship of cancer center members. It is an excellent way to expose young students to the common causes of cancer while highlighting the importance of research.
For more information, contact your local guidance counselor or Cancer Education Coordinator, Dr. Erin Oakley.
MCC Appalachian Career Training in Oncology (ACTION) Program
The ACTION Program trains high school students and undergraduates to be the next generation of cancer researchers, education/prevention experts, and health professionals in Kentucky. ACTION prepares them to incorporate the new, state-of-the-art techniques learned during their trained period into successful cancer-focused careers.
Summer Healthcare Experience in Oncology Program
The University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center’s Summer Healthcare Experience in Oncology Program aims to empower Kentucky high school student leaders with experiences, activities, and discussions that introduce them to the incredible breadth of career and leadership opportunities in the field of oncology. Applicants must be a current sophomore, junior or senior from a Kentucky high school.
MCC Appalachian Career Training in Oncology (ACTION) Program
The ACTION Program trains high school and college-aged students to be the next generation of cancer researchers, education/prevention experts, and health professionals in Kentucky. ACTION prepares them to incorporate the new, state-of-the-art techniques learned during their training into successful cancer-focused careers.
Markey Science Training in Research, Oncology, Networking and professional Growth (STRONG) Scholars Program
Diversity in science is a key to innovation and discovery, and the Markey STRONG Scholars program is the cornerstone of achieving this mission. By creating an equitable and inclusive research environment, individuals from groups that are underrepresented in science can find their voices and use their talents toward a common goal of eliminating cancer health disparities, eradicating mortality from cancer, and improving the lives of cancer survivors. This program seeks to introduce Scholars to cancer research, foster the resilience needed for the rigors of a career in science, and increase their knowledge of cancer. Visit the Markey STRONG Scholars Program page for more information.
Summer Undergraduate Research in Environmental Sciences (SURES) Program
The Summer Undergraduate Research in Environmental Sciences Program is a program that immerses underprivileged and underrepresented upper-level undergraduates in environmental health research for 10 weeks. This program provides students an opportunity to get involved in problems often studied by Markey Research Programs such as Cancer Prevention and Control (CP) and Molecular and Cellular Oncology (MCO). For more information and eligibility, please visit the SURES program webpage or contact Dr. Hollie Swanson.
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program
The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program is a research-training program available to undergraduates after their sophomore year. This program is specifically for students who are interested in a career in basic research and related health care disciplines. For more information and eligibility, please visit the SURF program webpage or contact Dr. Hollie Swanson.
Markey Cancer Center faculty are housed in numerous departments in the University of Kentucky College of Medicine. Most often, graduate students are introduced to our mentors and programs through the Integrated Biomedical Sciences, an undifferentiated, first-year, core curriculum that serves as the entry point for six doctoral programs which are described in more detail below.
- Neuroscience
- Toxicology and Cancer Biology
- Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
- Pharmacology & Nutritional Sciences
- Physiology
- Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics
Post-doctoral scientists and visiting scholars can contact individuals in laboratories in the Markey Cancer Center for research opportunities. Explore our Researcher Directory.
T32 Training Programs
Further research opportunities are available through our multiple T32s. Markey Cancer Center faculty are the recipients of several training grants from the National Cancer Institute and other NIH-affiliated institutions. As Markey continues its mission to train the next generation of cancer researchers, these programs are utilized for advancing graduate and post-doctoral education. MCC members serve as primary mentors training graduate students, post-doctoral scientists and visiting scholars.
T32: Interdisciplinary Research Training in Cancer Biology
This T32 is recommended for:
- Pre-doctoral students
- Post-doctoral fellows
This T32 grant from the National Cancer Institute (T32 CA165990) is led by co-directors/co-PIs Kathleen O'Connor, PhD, and B. Mark Evers, MD, and associate director/co-PI Christine Brainson, PhD. This program focuses on training pre-doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows in cancer biology so that they can answer the important research questions associated with human cancer.
To apply for a pre- or post-doctoral position related to this training grant, please visit the Interdisciplinary Research Training in Cancer Biology landing page. Here you will find submission eligibility requirements, instructions, deadlines, fellowship policies, course requirements and more for this T32.
T32: Oncology Research Training for Surgeon-Scientists
This T32 is recommended for:
- Medical residents interested in oncology research
This T32 grant from the National Cancer Institute (T32 CA160003), led by B. Mark Evers, MD, Pamela Hull, PhD, and Kathleen O'Connor, PhD, is a two-year intensive and interdisciplinary basic science or cancer health disparities research training program for those committed to pursuing a career in academic oncologic surgery.
This program requires qualified trainees to obtain a Master’s or PhD degree in Clinical and Translational Science, while preparing surgeons to become independent, successful academic scientists.
To apply for a post-doctoral position related to this training grant, please visit the Oncology Research Training for Surgeon Scientists landing page. Here you will find eligibility requirements, submission instructions, deadlines, fellowship policies, course requirements and more for this T32.
T32: Addressing Rural Cancer Inequities Through Scientific Excellence (ARISE)
This T32 is recommended for:
- Post-doctoral fellows
This T32 grant from the National Cancer Institute (T32 CA261786-01) is led by Mark Dignan, PhD, MPH, and Nancy Schoenberg, PhD, and provides transdisciplinary and translational postdoctoral research training in rural cancer prevention, control, and survivorship.
To apply for a post-doctoral position related to this training grant, please visit the ARISE landing page. Here you will find submission eligibility requirements, instructions, deadlines, program requirements and more for this T32.
CCTS TL1 Clinical and Translational Science Training Program
This program is recommended for:
- Pre-doctoral students
- Post-doctoral fellows
The TL1 Training Program in Clinical and Translational Science aims to provide pre-doctoral and post-doctoral trainees with the skills needed to develop a career in clinical and translational research fields.
The main objective is to provide clinical and translational research training that is integrated with ongoing professional or graduate research programs. Learn more about related graduate research programs below:
Early-Career Faculty Mentoring Committees
Each early-career faculty member recruited to Markey is assigned a mentoring committee by Dr. Kathleen O’Connor and Markey Research Program Leaders. These committees are uniquely tailored to the needs of the individual, with one member chosen as committee chair. Faculty recruited to other departments are also eligible to participate in our faculty mentorship program. Those interested in obtaining mentorship can contact Dr. Kathleen O’Connor.
The individual mentorship committee meets with the mentee at least three times a year (or more often during development of the first independent grant application) to plan, monitor progress, and plan for any potential problems. These Mentors review grant applications prior to submission, help interpret critiques, and offer feedback on proposal resubmissions as needed.
Center for Cancer and Metabolism
The Center for Cancer and Metabolism (CCM) is a COBRE-funded program that provides robust support from Markey mentors focused on the role of metabolism in the development and treatment of cancer. The center supports Metabolism and Imaging facilities and four research projects led by junior faculty.
One clinical and two basic science mentors guide each investigator with project development in cancer metabolism, help facilitate grant applications and manuscript submissions, and aid in establishing networking opportunities. For more information, contact Drs. Daret St. Clair and Peter Zhou.
Clinical Trials Boot Camp at Markey Cancer Center
Markey sponsors a short-term, intensive workshop in the essentials of developing effective clinical trials for new investigators and junior faculty clinical researchers in oncology. This workshop provides lessons in the design of high-impact therapeutic interventional trials as well as the resources needed to complete the protocol life cycle, submission process, budgeting, internal review, FDA, IRB and activation/launch.
Drawing from years of experience and expertise, senior clinical investigators and basic science researchers collectively guide workshop attendees in the development of high-impact protocols within the center’s strategic portfolio of clinical trials. Staff help pair participants with the resources needed to support successful therapeutic studies, such as SEER/KCR data warehouse and services offered by Markey’s Shared Resource Facilities.
Graduates from this training program have successfully competed for extramural and intramural funding, and gone on to be principal investigators leading active clinical trials at Markey and other academic cancer centers.
Center of Research in Obesity & Cardiovascular Disease
The Phase III Center of Research in Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease (COCVD) at UK is COBRE-funded program that develops promising junior investigators. Junior scientists will serve as principal investigators on research projects that address questions related to obesity and cardiovascular disease.
Junior investigators are mentored by a group of established, extramurally funded scientists. This mentorship facilitates the development of the investigators’ research projects and enhances their success in competing for NIH-funding.
For more information, please contact COCVD COBRE Program Director Lisa Cassis, PhD.