Community Impact Office: Health Education and Screening
Our ultimate goal is simple: We want to save lives.
Education and early detection through cancer screenings play a vital role in saving the lives of Kentuckians. Our team is here to help. We are happy to come to your community to speak about the importance of health and wellness and cancer screenings.
Markey Cancer Center is pleased to offer an extensive community outreach program that includes cancer screening events, educational presentations, and prevention opportunities.
Markey’s Community Outreach and Engagement works with cancer education programs, evidence-based research groups, area healthcare providers, and our Markey-affiliated hospitals to further cancer prevention and education throughout Kentucky.
We offer a variety of community-based programs focusing on all ages of the population. Our team targets the underserved areas of Kentucky and tries to reach those Kentuckians who otherwise may not have an opportunity to receive a cancer screening. Educating the youth of Kentucky is also a primary focus of our outreach team as we engage with schools, churches, and communities where health education is needed.
To partner on any of the programs below or for more information, please call 859-323-9949 or email
Community Screening Programs