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Prospective Specimen Collections for Clinical Trials and Others

specimen collectionClinical Trials Support

BPTP collects, processes, stores, and ships fresh, frozen, and fixed tissue or liquid specimens for clinical trials in collaboration with Markey Precision Medicine Clinic and the Markey Clinical Research Organization.

Real-time Specimen Collection

BPTP supports Markey researchers who need fresh specimens, specimens collected at specified time points, or from particular patient cohorts. BPTP maintains IRB protocols for the collection of these specimens and can assist researchers in obtaining appropriate IRB approval for their secondary use.  

Researchers requesting prospective specimen collection can schedule a consultation at  All Markey therapeutic trials are reviewed by BPTP during protocol initiation, but investigators in the process of protocol design or budgeting can request information or assistance at

NCI Comprehensive Cancer Center - A Cancer Center Designated by the National Cancer Institute

Markey Cancer Center is designated by the National Cancer Institute as a Comprehensive Cancer Center – a distinction that recognizes our commitment to accelerating precision cancer research and care to patients. We are the first and only NCI-Comprehensive Cancer Center in Kentucky, and one of 57 in the nation.