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As of May 1, 2025, UK HealthCare will no longer be part of Cigna’s medical insurance network.

Give to Kentucky Neuroscience Institute

Thank you for your interest in supporting the UK HealthCare Neuroscience Program. UK HealthCare is the Power of Advanced Medicine, providing the most advanced and up-to- date treatments available to the people of Kentucky and beyond. This life-saving, life-changing work would not be possible without philanthropic support from our community. Individual and foundation donations are essential to help our team conduct basic and clinical science research, deliver world-class care to our patients with neurological diseases, and train the next generation of future leaders in the field. Your gift is more than money – it is a gift of hope, not only for today, but for all generations to come.

Gifts can come in many forms including cash, securities and donations of property. You can also make a bequest through your estate. To make a gift or learn more, please contact the UK HealthCare Office of Philanthropy or give online.

Beth Wells
Director of Philanthropy
UK HealthCare – Kentucky Neuroscience Institute


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