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KNI Research: Innovating New Approaches to Patient Care

The UK Kentucky Neuroscience Institute (KNI) is continually discovering new and innovative ways to bring findings from the researcher's lab bench to the patient's bedside through clinical trials and basic science research. By combining the expertise of researchers and physicians, KNI offers the most advanced treatments to patients in Kentucky and beyond. 

Kentucky Neuroscience Clinical Research Organization

The mission of the UK Neuroscience Institute Clinical Research Organization (CRO) is to foster the development and support the conduct of world-class neuroscience clinical trials and clinical translational research. Its research programs are rapidly expanding and encompass all areas of the neurosciences.  

The increasingly complex requirements for conducting clinical studies and caring for human research participants necessitate a careful and well-structured management organization. The KNI-CRO serves this role by providing guidance through its clinical trials and research expertise, economies of scale, and institutional support. The KNI-CRO is a clinical trial management organization housed in the UK College of Medicine. It is made up of a diverse staff dedicated to implementing and conducting clinical research in a timely manner and with the highest standards of good clinical practice. 

University of Kentucky Research Priority Areas

In 2019, UK named the neurosciences as a Research Priority Area. Aimed at fostering collaborations and including more than 270 faculty from nine colleges and more than 34 departments, first initiatives included: 

  • Forming an Internal Advisory Council.
  • Establishing a neurosciences biobank (the NeuroBank).
  • Recruiting a statistician to collaborate and consult with other faculty.
  • Supporting faculty “mini-fellowships.”
  • Developing intra-net and extra-net websites.
  • Recruiting a project coordinator.

Through this multidisciplinary collaboration, KNI looks forward to advancing the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of neurological conditions facing the people of Kentucky, the nation, and the world.  

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