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As of May 1, 2025, UK HealthCare will no longer be part of Cigna’s medical insurance network.

Locations & directions

Our cardiologists provide the region’s most comprehensive services, diagnostic assessment, and therapeutic strategies across Kentucky. We remain committed to responding to patient needs, whether it’s providing a much-needed specialist in the local community or accepting the transfer of a critically ill patient to UK hospital. Our goal is to keep patients close to home for as much of their medical care as possible.

For more information, or to schedule an appointment, please call 859-323-0295 or toll-free 877-700-5479.

Directions to the Gill Building

Need help finding your way around? The following directions show how to navigate to the Cardiology Clinic and catheterization lab in the Gill building from various entry points at UK Albert B. Chandler Hospital.

Go here for directions to UK Chandler Hospital.


Cardiology Clinic: Walk through the pedway toward the front entrance of Chandler Hospital. Kentucky Children's Hospital will be on your right before you reach the main entrance of Chandler Hospital. Across from the entrance to the Kentucky Children's Hospital, you will find double doors to the Cardiology Clinic on your left (there is a sign above the doors). Enter these doors and follow the hallway through the next set of double doors. The Cardiology Clinic waiting room is on the other side of those doors.

Catheterization Lab: Walk through the pedway toward the front entrance of Chandler Hospital, looking for the first door on your left (there is a sign above the door). Once inside this door, look for two elevators labeled with the letter "A" on your left. Take either A elevator to the second floor. You will be in the cath lab waiting room when you step off the elevator on the second floor.


Cardiology Clinic: The entrance is near the ground floor of the Gill Heart & Vascular Institute building. Once inside the glass doors, follow the hallway straight ahead until you reach the last hallway on your right. This will lead to stairs and elevator B. Take either the stairs or elevator B to the first floor of the Gill building. When you step off the elevator, turn to your left; if you took the stairs, turn to your right. Go through the double doors into the waiting room of the Cardiology Clinic.

Catheterization Lab: The entrance from the valet drop-off is on the ground floor of the Gill Heart & Vascular Institute building. Once inside the glass doors from the valet drop-off, turn to your immediate right and take one of the two A elevators to the second floor. You will be in the cath lab waiting room when you step off the elevator on the second floor.


Cardiology Clinic: Leaving the revolving doors of the main entrance of Chandler Hospital Pavilion H, walk through the pedway toward the parking garage. Kentucky Children's Hospital will be on your left before you reach the garage. The first set of doors on your right, across from the entrance to Kentucky Children's Hospital, are the double doors to the Cardiology Clinic (there is a sign above the doors). Once inside these doors, follow the hallway straight through the next set of double doors. The waiting room of the Cardiology Clinic is on the other side of those doors.

Catheterization Lab: Leaving the revolving doors of the main entrance of Chandler Hospital, walk through the pedway toward the parking garage. Kentucky Children's Hospital will be on your left before you reach the garage. Just past the main entrance of Kentucky Children's Hospital, look for the last door on your right (there is a sign above the door). Once inside this door, look for two elevators labeled with the letter "A" on your left. Take either A elevator to the second floor. You will be in the cath lab waiting room when you step off the elevator on the second floor.

About the Gill Building

Combating heart disease requires a team of medical professionals who use new treatments and engage in research and prevention. The Linda and Jack Gill Heart & Vascular Institute building at UK HealthCare houses the most advanced heart and vascular team and technology in the region. Founded on a generous $5 million donation by the Gill Foundation, the five-story building contains: