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The Right Test at the Right Time

The contribution of excellent imaging to the patient’s outcome is often overlooked, but the right test at the right time can make all the difference.

The primary goal of UK Cardiac Imaging is always strive to find that one best imaging test for the one best patient circumstance, resulting in the one best possible outcome.

Providing the best test for the patient initially results in higher first-line testing quality, subsequently fewer repeat (unnecessary) diagnostic tests, reduced time to clinical diagnosis, potentially shorter hospital stays, greater patient satisfaction and possibly lower overall costs.

Doctor looking at cardiac imaging scansTo accomplish this objective, Cardiac Imaging has created an Imaging Director's Council in which the various medical directors meet regularly to learn from one another, recognizing that there are many commonalities across these diagnostic tools. The directors have combined their insights into a real-time imaging dashboard that will help each of us to monitor our programs. In the end, this group hopes to create a series of optimal care pathways focusing on improving the management of the state’s dominant cardiovascular conditions through greater efficiency and safety, lower costs and improved consumer satisfaction.

Working together across multimodality imaging arenas provides our imaging experts the best chance to determine these optimal care pathways. By then matching these pathways to the newly created dashboards, UK hopes to become a lead institution in demonstrating a conclusive link of imaging with clinical outcomes.

Learn more about our Cardiovascular Imaging ProgramSee more stories from 2018 State of the Heart

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