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Makenna David Pediatric Emergency Center

Check-in area at Makenna David Pediatric Emergency Center
The check-in area at the Makenna David Pediatric Emergency Center.

The Makenna David Pediatric Emergency Center is one of the only dedicated children’s emergency centers in the state and the only one serving Central and Eastern Kentucky.

"Dedicated" means we have a separate waiting and treatment space with a separate staff geared exclusively for pediatric emergency care. See our Trauma Program Office »

About the center

Children are not small adults. They need specialists and equipment designed to care for their unique needs. All of the emergency medicine physicians working in the pediatric emergency center are board certified in emergency medicine. The staff is emergency medicine trained with specialty experience in pediatrics. That makes our team especially well prepared to care for children.

The waiting area at the Makenna David Pediaric Emergency Center.
The waiting area at the Makenna David Pediatric Emergency Center.

The center is a place where kids and parents feel welcome and safe. Creative art and interactive features capture a child’s imagination and help ease anxiety.


Short-term parking is available near the separate pediatric entrance off South Limestone. Critically ill or injured patients may arrive via ambulance or helicopter.

Waiting area

  • The area features comfortable seating and televisions.
  • Our goal is to get patients into an exam room and ensure they are seen as quickly as possible.


  • 21 child-friendly exam areas
  • Private consultation rooms

Advanced technology

The Emergency Department has access to advanced imaging and diagnostic technology:

  • Digital radiographic (X-ray) and computerized tomography (CT) capabilities are available 24 hours a day.
  • Ultrasound services are performed at bedside or in the ED ultrasound room at varying times.
  • Interventional radiology, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and nuclear medicine patients receive radiology services in the following facilities as appropriate:
    • The current Chandler Hospital building (Pavilion H).
    • The Critical Care Tower (Pavilion HA).
    • The Gill Building (Pavilion G).

The Makenna Foundation helped identify the need for and then provided funding to help establish the children's emergency center.


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