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Trauma Program Office

The Trauma Program Office is part of the UK HealthCare Trauma/Surgical Services service line. Our team provides the day-to-day administrative operations for maintaining the UK HealthCare Chandler Hospital Adult Level I Trauma Center and the Kentucky Children’s Hospital Pediatric Trauma Center.

We do this in accordance with the specifications of the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS-COT) national standards and criteria of the Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient.

Our mission, vision and goals are focused on using our resources to promote excellence in trauma patient care for our Adult and Pediatric Level 1 Trauma Centers. We do this through quality data systems, education, prevention and research, guided by leadership in optimal data-driven trauma care.

Our Team



Clinical Information

Our trauma program serves Central and Eastern Kentucky, providing highly specialized care for trauma patients requiring advanced treatment. UK Albert B. Chandler Hospital and Kentucky Children’s Hospital serves as the regional tertiary referral center for the 49 Appalachian counties comprising Eastern Kentucky as well as the 11 counties surrounding Fayette County. Our expert trauma surgeons and highly trained multidisciplinary team are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide advanced care for trauma patients.

Q. How do I establish a trauma transfer agreement with UK?

A. Contact the Trauma Program Manager at 859-323-7546.

Q. How do I get follow-up information on a patient we transferred to UK HealthCare/Trauma?

A. Set up access to the UK Provider Portal 2.0 or contact your UK HealthCare physician liaison.

Q. How do I get information on trauma patient care guidelines?

A. Call the main office line, 859-323-5022, and you will be forwarded to the appropriate coordinator.

Trauma Education

As the primary referral center for the region, the Trauma Office Program supports our trauma services through education, training, and by providing expertise to health care providers across the state. The Trauma Program Office team has coordinated Advanced Trauma Life Support® (ATLS®) courses for over 37 years and continues to serve in this capacity.

Other courses and resource needs are provided and our team is here to support our regional referral centers and beyond. We offer advanced trauma education, including Advanced Trauma Life Support, Rural Trauma Team Development Course and additional trauma education as requested.

Q. Whom should I contact if I have a question about Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) training?

A. Contact the UK HealthCare Trauma Program Office Education Coordinator at 859-562-3107.

Q. How do I find out when ATLS courses are offered at the University of Kentucky?

A. UK HealthCare Trauma Program Office ATLS courses are registered through the American College of Surgeons, and you can access the course listing through the ACS-ATLS site.

Q. How do I find out my current ATLS status, obtain my ATLS provider card or become an instructor?

A. Visit the American College of Surgeons website.

Q. How do I find an ATLS class near me?

A. The American College of Surgeons website provides a list of courses. 

Q. How do I register for an ATLS course at UK HealthCare?

A. Complete this Advanced Trauma Life Support form: 

Q. How can I obtain a copy of the ATLS Student Manual?

A. Once you have registered and your payment is received, you will receive a link from the ACS to access a PDF of the current Advanced Trauma Life Support Student manual.

Trauma Outreach & Injury Prevention

Trauma is the leading cause of death for populations age 44 and under in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Our Trauma Program Office is committed to providing outreach and injury prevention programs for all stages of life.

Q. How do I schedule an Injury Prevention Program?

A. Contact the UK Healthcare Trauma Injury Prevention Coordinator at 859-323-2403.

Fill out this Injury Prevention Program Request Form:

Q. What programs are offered for injury prevention?

Trauma Registry

The American College of Surgeons-Committee on Trauma requires trauma centers to collect and analyze trauma registry data to remain verified as a Level 1 Trauma Center. This data includes information about the patient, their injury, their care and outcomes and is used to improve effectiveness and quality of care for trauma patients. Here, we include information about training and resources for trauma registrars:

Q. Do I have to be certified in Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) injury coding or as a trauma registrar?

A. You do not have to be certified in AIS injury coding per the state or the American College of Surgeons. If you are a level 1-3 trauma center it is required that you take each class once, and it is highly recommended, not mandatory, for all levels. It is possible that your facility would choose to make certification mandatory, but that would occur at an institution level.

Q. Where can I get information about taking the AIS Injury Scaling Course?

A. Visit the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM) website.

Q. Where can I get information about taking the Trauma Registry Course?

A. Visit the American Trauma Society (ATS) website and select “education,” then select “Trauma Registry Professionals.”

Q. How do I become involved in the statewide Trauma Registrars group? Whom should I contact?

A. Contact the UK Trauma Registrar’s office at 859-323-5037.

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