Athletic Training Outreach
With the region's largest certified athletic training staff, UK Sports Medicine provides outreach athletic training services to numerous schools. Our certified athletic trainers are specially trained in the prevention, assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of all types of sports-related or physically-active injuries and illnesses. Prevention, treatment and rehabilitation programs are developed based on medical, exercise, and sports sciences.
Listen to our podcast:
Athletic Training: Contracts and Outreach Opportunities in Kentucky
Speaker: Robert Ullery, Athletic trainer. Listen, or read the transcript.
Professional Sports:
- Lexington Sporting Club (Soccer)
- University of Kentucky
High Schools:
- Fayette County Public High Schools
- Sayre
- The Lexington School
- Trinity Christian Academy
Middle Schools:
- Fayette County Middle Schools
- Eastern Kentucky University
High Schools:
- Berea Community
- Madison Central
- Madison Southern
- Model Laboratory School
- Georgetown College (Scott)
- Kentucky State University (Franklin)
- Morehead State University (Rowan)
- Western Kentucky University (Warren)
High Schools:
- Allen County-Scottsville High School
- Bath County
- Bourbon County
- Bowling Green Christian Academy
- Bowling Green High School
- Butler County High School
- Edmonson County High School
- Frankfort (Franklin-Simpson High School
- Garrard County
- George Rogers Clark (Clark)
- Hart County High School
- Jackson County
- Lincoln County
- Logan County High School
- Montgomery County
- Nicholas County
- Owen County
- Russellville High School
- Woodford County High School
Middle Schools:
- Clark Co. Public Schools (RDC)
- Woodford County
Additional sports-related information
Read more about our athletic training outreach below:
State events
Our certified athletic trainers also provide athletic training services to numerous team clubs, tournaments, special sporting events and the Kentucky High School Athletics Association (KHSAA).
Our certified athletic trainers are also involved in educational events including lectures, community seminars or health fairs.