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As of May 1, 2025, UK HealthCare will no longer be part of Cigna’s medical insurance network.

Shoulder & Rotator Cuff Post-Operative Exercises

  • Perform one session of these exercises in the morning and one in the afternoon or evening.
  • Apply ice to the injured body part for 15-20 minutes after these exercises.
  • Exercises should be somewhat challenging. If too easy, increase tension on tubing. If too difficult, decrease tension.
  • If any of these exercises cause pain, stop performing them and contact our office.
  • Rubber tubing may be purchased inexpensively at most physical therapy places.

Check with your doctor to make sure these instructions apply to your case. 

Shoulder-strengthening activities: active resistive external rotation

shoulder range of motion exercise with tubing

  • Using tubing, and keeping elbow in at side, rotate arm outward away from body.
  • Be sure to keep forearm parallel to floor.

Shoulder-strengthening activities: active resistive extension

Shoulder strengthening exercise pulling on tubing

  • Using tubing, pull arm back.
  • Be sure to keep elbow straight

Shoulder-strengthening activities: active resistive internal rotation

Active resistive internal rotation  

  • Using tubing, and keeping elbow in at side, rotate arm Inward across body.
  • Be sure to keep forearm parallel to floor.

Shoulder-strengthening activities: active resistive adduction

Shoulder - strengthening activities active resistive adduction 

Shoulder - strengthening activities active resistive adduction

  • Using tubing, pull arm in toward buttock.
  • Do not twist or rotate trunk.


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