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Shoulder Post-Operative Exercises

All exercises should be repeated 30 times. Two sessions per day are recommended.

Check with your doctor to make sure these instructions apply to your case. 

Elbow flexion/extension: active range of motion

Elbow flexion extension illustration

  • With palm UP and DOWN gently bend elbow as far as possible.
  • Hold 10 seconds.
  • Straighten arm back out as far as possible.

Shoulder: range of motion exercises

Shoulder range of motion exercise lying down with wand

  • Hold wand with involved side palm up, push with uninvolved side (palm down) out from body while keeping elbow at side until you feel a stretch.
  • Then pull back across body leading with uninvolved side.
  • Be sure to keep elbows bent.
  • Hold 10 seconds.

Shoulder: range of motion (self-stretching activities)

Shoulder range of motion exercise against wall illustration

  • Flexion (alternate)
  • Slide arm up wall with palm toward you by moving closer to wall.
  • Hold 10 seconds.

Shoulder: range of motion exercises (Codman's Exercises)

Shoulder range of motion codman's exercises illustration

  • Gently move arm from side to side by rocking body weight from side to side.
  • Let arm swing freely.

Wrist flexion/extension: range of motion

Wrist flexion extension illustration

  • Actively bend wrist forward then backward as far as you can.


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