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As of May 1, 2025, UK HealthCare will no longer be part of Cigna’s medical insurance network.

Labor & Delivery

Woman with babyFrom normal deliveries and C-sections to the most complex pregnancy, UK Women’s Health Obstetrics & Gynecology providers can help you every step of the way.

The UK Birthing Center is the leading facility in Central Kentucky specializing in high-risk pregnancies and deliveries. We offer the region’s only Level IV neonatal intensive care unit and our highly-trained staff can care for you and your baby throughout your hospital stay.

How to Pre-Register

  1. Download the pre-registration form (below)
  2. Fill out the form and print it.
  3. Fax the form to 859-257-7520

Please note: This is a fillable PDF form. It may not display correctly in all browsers. If you are having difficulty using this form, please download the file and save it to your computer, then open it in Adobe Reader. You may download the latest version of Adobe Reader free from the Adobe website.

You may also pre-register by coming to the triage area on the third floor of the hospital in person.

We recommend you pre-register by the eighth month of your pregnancy. Pre-registration will save you time and help your admission process go more quickly.

When you need to be admitted for the birth of your baby, let the admitting clerks in the triage area located on the third floor of the hospital know that you have already pre-registered. 

Preventing Pre-Term Labor

Pre-term labor can be a serious problem. Call your doctor right away if you have any of these signs:

  • Contractions every 10 minutes or six contractions in an hour.
  • Change in vaginal discharge (leaking fluid or bleeding from your vagina).
  • Pelvic pressure - the feeling that your baby is pushing down.
  • Low, dull backache.
  • Cramps that feel like your period.
  • Abdominal cramps with or without diarrhea.

Pre-term labor may be linked to poor dental care. Follow these steps:

  • Have your teeth cleaned and checked regularly, especially during your pregnancy.
  • Brush and floss after meals.
  • Avoid sugary drinks before bed.  

UK HealthCare supports the March of Dime's campaign, Healthy Babies Are Worth the Wait, which is a multifaceted partnership of the March of Dimes, the Johnson & Johnson Pediatric Institute and the Kentucky Department of Public Health. 

Baby Friendly Designation

Mom with babyWe are a Baby Friendly Hospital.

As the only Baby Friendly Hospital in Lexington, we strive to help mothers and babies receive the best possible start.

We have made a commitment to:

  • Keep your baby with you throughout your hospital stay.
  • Educate all moms prenatally on the benefits of breastfeeding.
  • Place babies skin to skin at birth.
  • Encourage on-demand feedings, not scheduled.
  • Discourage pacifiers while your baby is learning to nurse.
  • Provide you with resources and support after your discharge.
  • Provide support for you and your baby via lactation specialists and trained staff. 



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