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Anticoagulation Clinic

The purpose of the Gill Heart & Vascular Institute Anticoagulation Clinic is to provide UK Healthcare patients with optimal dosing and monitoring of anticoagulation therapy to prevent new or recurrent thromboembolic events and to avoid adverse drug events in an efficient and effective manner.

Services for established patients

  • Staffed by specially trained clinical pharmacists who are trained to manage oral and injectable anticoagulation therapy.
  • The clinic provides warfarin patient education, point of care and venipuncture INR monitoring and refill management.
  • Recommendations for INR goal, INR monitoring schedule, dose adjustment and duration of therapy based on current clinical practice and UK Guidelines.
  • Evaluation for home/remote INR monitoring, including assessment of insurance coverage.
  • Communication with managing provider for anticoagulant bridging (e.g., LMWH) in the setting of subtherapeutic INRs or periprocedural management.
  • Periprocedural anticoagulant patient education and instructions.
  • Transitioning to/from other anticoagulants (e.g., DOACs).
  • Documentation for each visit in the electronic health record.

Patient referral process

  • Patients must have managing/supervising UK provider who sees patient at least once a year.
  • Managing providers must sign Collaborative Practice Agreement annually.
  • Referral forms must be completed by physician or representative before first appointment.
  • Referral forms are located on UK HealthCare CareWeb and can be faxed or emailed, or submitted through the electronic health record, AEHR: Fu/Ref Consult Coumadin Clinic.

Phone: 859-323-4998

Fax: 859-218-7592
