Bloodborne Pathogen and Occupational Exposures

Occupational Exposures

Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure

The Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Packet or "red packet" contains step-by-step guidance for blood exposures complete with the required source patient lab slip. The Bloodborne Pathogen or "red packet" is for employees paid directly by UK HealthCare, Eastern State Hospital employees, and students enrolled at the University of Kentucky.

Employee Health cannot see contracted employees. If a contractor or traveler experiences a blood-related exposure, they will need to locate and use a green packet.

When should I use a red packet? 

If you experience a BLOOD exposure to pierced/damaged/broken skin or mucous membranes (inside eye, nose, or mouth) OR exposure to:

  • Cerebral Spinal Fluid

  •  Peritoneal Fluid

  • Synovial Fluid

  • Human Tissue

  • Pericardial Fluid

  • Pleural Fluid

  • Amniotic Fluid

  • Semen

  • Vaginal Secretions

  • Any bloody material.

Click the link above to download an electronic copy of the red packet

Occupational Exposures (Non-Bloodborne) 

The Occupational Exposure Packet or "yellow packet" provides step-by-step guidance on how to create a Workers' Compensation claim for incidents that do not involve a bloodborne pathogen exposure. The Occupational Exposure Packets or "yellow packet" can only be used by employees paid directly by UK HealthCare and Eastern State Hospital employees. 

Employee Health cannot see contracted employees. If a contractor or traveler experiences a non-blood exposure or injury, they will contact the HR department of the company they are paid by to create a Workers’ Compensation claim. 

When would I need the yellow packet?

When exposed to the following without clearly visible blood: If blood is visible see red packet information below

  • Urine

  • Feces

  • Saliva/spit

  • Mucous 

  • Sputum (saliva and mucus)

  • Sweat

  • Tears

  • Respiratory Secretions

  • Vomit without clearly visible blood

  • Chemical exposures

  • Human bite(s) or scratch(es)- without splash of blood

  • All other exposures that do not pose a risk for HIV, HCV, and HBV 

  • Muscle strain or other workplace injury/exposure


Where Can I Find Packets?

In addition to the electronic copies found above:

Red and Yellow Packets are available at:
  • Employee Health (Check-in desk on the first floor of University Health Service, please email to arrange a packet pick up for quantities greater than 10)

  • Emergency Department (Chandler ED, Good Sam ED) 

  • Eastern State Hospital 

  • Central Staffing Office (Pav H, 5th floor)

  • Good Sam (Good Sam employees can pick up additional packets from the administration suite or contact for delivery) 

Green Packets are available at:
  • IPAC office

  • Emergency Department (Chandler ED, Good Sam ED) 

  • Central Staffing Office (Pav H, 5th floor)

Click the link above to download an electronic copy of the Occupational Exposure Packet or "Yellow Packet"