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Gynecology & Genitourinary Care

Gynecology/Genitourinary Care (GYN/GU) appointments offer gynecological services to all University of Kentucky and BCTC students.

The GYN/GU Clinic provides preventive screenings as well as care for reproductive and sexual health concerns and acute conditions.

University Health Service (UHS) also offers pregnancy testing.

Clinic Hours

Monday–Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

About appointments

Appointments are required. Call 859-323-2778.

Appointments are on the second floor of the UHS building, 830 S. Limestone. Bring your student ID and insurance card to every appointment.

Note: Appointments for routine annual exams should be scheduled one to two weeks in advance.

Wellness Visits & Birth Control Prescriptions

If you have never been on birth control (pills, patch, ring, shot) or had a wellness visit and you have questions prior to your scheduled visits please contact the Triage Nurse

You will schedule an appointment with a UHS clinician. At this appointment, you may have a pelvic exam and screening for STIs and/or a pap smear. You and the clinician will discuss which option is best for you. 

If you need only a birth control renewal: If you are seeing another gynecology provider and have been on birth control (pills, patch, ring, shot) before, call 859-323-2778 to schedule an appointment with a clinician. If you have had a gynecological exam within the last year, please bring a copy of your medical records, including lab work and pap smear results if performed. The clinician will review your history and records with you and decide if any additional exam is needed. If your last exam was more than 3 years ago, please schedule a wellness visit. 

Note: A yearly visit is required for any medication refill, including contraceptive prescriptions.

Birth control options: The options below are available by prescription. Prescriptions can be written to any pharmacy of your choice.

  • Birth control pills
  • Birth control patch
  • Nuvaring
  • Depo-Provera
  • IUD
  • Nexplanon

Cost: UK pharmacies offer students a discounted price on select contraceptive prescriptions written by a UK/UHS clinician. Some oral contraceptives are available for as low as $10 per pack.

About Plan B: Plan B is available at any UK Pharmacy at a discounted rate. Plan B is an over-the-counter emergency contraceptive designed to be taken within 72 hours after unprotected sex to help prevent pregnancy. Anyone may pick up Plan B at a UK Pharmacy without a prescription.

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