Use Self-Scheduling to book a primary care appointment online

International Students

All international students pay the Health Fee as part of their tuition/ fees and can be seen at University Health Service for a variety of services.

If you are from a country with a very low risk of tuberculosis (TB), you may not require further testing. If you have lived or traveled in a country with a higher risk for TB, then you will be required to complete a TB test.    

Go here for detailed information about completing the TB Screening requirements.

Immunizations and Health Forms

The University of Kentucky does not require proof of immunizations or health forms as a condition of enrollment (other than any related to the TB screening requirement). 

University Health Service strongly recommends bringing a copy (or an image on your cell phone) of your immunization record in English with you to the United States.  Many students find it easier to get a copy of their records before leaving their home country. 

About Medical Practice in the United States

Many international students are not accustomed to the medical practices of health care providers in the United States.

Note: We use the term clinician to refer to physicians and nurse practitioners who see patients at University Health Service (UHS).

Some things to keep in mind that are typical of medical practice in the U.S.:

  • Because privacy is very important, clinicians assume that you will want to be seen alone. If you want someone to be with you during an appointment, be sure to tell both the front desk staff and your clinician.
  • It is common for patients to be asked to undress and put on a gown provided for them before they are examined.
  • Be sure to ask the nurse and your clinician to explain or repeat instructions that are unclear.

Communicating with a Clinician

It is important that your clinician knows about your individual health history. You should feel comfortable discussing any of your needs and/or concerns with him or her. Be prepared to tell the clinician about your medical history, all medications and any other kinds of treatment or remedies you are using. Also be sure to tell your clinician about any allergies you have to medications.

If you are concerned about using English during your appointment, bring along someone who can translate for you, or you can use translation services available in the clinic.  It’s a good idea to prepare a list of your questions and concerns before you go to your appointment.

If you ever have difficulty understanding your clinician, you should feel free to ask him or her to repeat, speak more slowly, or explain more carefully.

Clinicians expect you to have questions regarding your health, diagnosis, treatment or medications. Ask your clinician to write down any instructions that you should follow, and tell him or her if you still have questions or need more information. Tell them what information you need, and ask if you should schedule another appointment. Your clinician may suggest other resources for answering these questions or meeting other needs. If you have more questions or problems after you leave the clinic, call the Triage Nurse

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