UK student celebrates graduation one year after suffering strokes

Allison Couri graduated from UK May 5, but hers was more than the ordinary triumph over class loads and term papers. With the help of stroke experts at the Kentucky Neuroscience Institute, the Peoria, Ill.-native triumphed over health problems few 20-somethings face.
Headaches and dizziness
A little more than a year ago, Couri, then 21, came to the UK HealthCare Emergency Department complaining of headaches and dizziness. A CT scan identified that she had a stroke, and she was admitted to the hospital and assisted by the stroke care experts at the Kentucky Neuroscience Institute. Couri suffered more strokes, leaving her with an uneven gait, slurred speech and blurry vision.

Rare complications
She was diagnosed with lupus, which can lead to a rare complication called inflammatory vasculitis – a condition marked by inflamed blood vessels that can also cause strokes.
After chemotherapy to treat her lupus, rehabilitation to address the effects of the strokes, and with the help of her service dog, Magnolia, Couri was able to finish her studies at UK and graduate. She plans to pursue a law degree.