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Appointments & Referrals at Kentucky Neuroscience Institute

Kentucky Neuroscience Institute entrance

UK Neurology

For UK Neurology, you may request an appointment online, although most patients are referred through their primary care provider or neurologist.

UK Neurosurgery

Patients to UK Neurosurgery must be referred through their primary care provider or neurologist.

About referral

When a patient is referred to Kentucky Neuroscience Institute (KNI), diagnosis and treatment are made in a collaborative environment, decreasing the need for multiple visits and consultations.

An emphasis on quality of life factors such as ease of movement and communication maximizes the potential for recovery. Treated as equal partners in care, referring physicians can expect early and ongoing contact with KNI specialists.

Refer a patient online

Providers may use this online form to refer a patient to Neurosurgery.

Getting ready for your appointment

What to know and what to bring

Please arrive at least 20 minutes before your appointment in order to register and fill out any of the necessary paperwork prior to your appointment. This will assist in ensuring prompt service and visitation with your physician.

Check the list below to make sure you have everything necessary for your appointment.

  • Prior medical records available to you
  • CD of films relating to your diagnosis. Sometimes other physicians send the films to UK, but many times these films do not make it to your appointment on time. While a report of the films may be helpful, your doctor will need to review your images to discuss with you the diagnosis and treatment options. Without the films, your physician may need to reschedule the appointment or schedule an additional appointment in order to review them.
  • Current list of medications and their dosages
  • List of doctors you are currently seeing, especially your primary care provider, and their contact information. Your doctor will communicate with your other physicians to ensure that they receive notification of your evaluation.
  • New patient packet (printed and filled out – optional; for neurosurgery patients). Download and print it at the link below.

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