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How to avoid (and help prevent) distracted driving

Distracted driving

This article is part of an ongoing series exploring the work of and issues faced by the UK HealthCare trauma team. The UK HealthCare trauma program is an American College of Surgeons accredited Level 1 Trauma Center.

Distracted driving causes about 3,000 deaths and 280,000 injuries per year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Distracted driving occurs when a driver’s attention is diverted by another activity, such as talking or texting on the phone, eating or drinking, talking to other people in the vehicle, adjusting the radio or navigation system, etc. Sending or reading one text message takes your eyes of the road for an average of five seconds.  A lot can happen in five seconds.  

Help Prevent Distracted Driving


      DO NOT multitasks while driving. Ask someone else in the car to read the text message or answer the phone call.

      Prepare for the drive ahead of time.

      Use applications or wireless headphones if you must answer a call while driving


      SPEAK UP- Ask the driver to focus on driving

      Offer assistance to reduce distractions


      Talk to your teens and young adults about safe driving

      Know state laws on distracted driving

      Lead by example

      Set consequences for distracted driving

For more information, contact Baillie McCane, BSN, RN, Injury Prevention and Outreach Coordinator, Trauma/Surgical Services at UK HealthCare:; 859-323-2403

This content was produced by UK HealthCare Brand Strategy.

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