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Transform Health Services


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We are proud to offer high-quality healthcare to Kentucky’s LGBTQ+ community at our Transform Health clinic. We seek to address the health disparities experienced by this community and provide comprehensive care in a safe, welcoming environment.

Transform Health vision & mission

Our vision

The Transform Health initiative seeks to improve the health of the LGBTQ+ community in Kentucky and serve as the state’s leading resource for education and research on LGBTQ+ health.

Our mission

Transform Health is an interprofessional healthcare home for LGBTQ+ patients of all ages to receive evidence-based, high-quality care in a safe place. Transform Health provides clinical care and is the central resource to train students, faculty and staff in LGBTQ+ care, to contribute to the body of knowledge through ethical research, and to provide outreach and resources throughout the state.

Our philosophy

We consult evidence-based guidelines, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) standards. We practice shared decision-making that respects your rights and includes your values and life circumstances.

For adult hormone therapy, we use an informed-consent model. We connect you to gender-affirming therapists as needed or desired, but in most cases would not require a support letter from a therapist.

Supervised students and residents will participate in your care, except on a case-by-case basis. We appreciate your willingness to help future providers and will always be clear about our roles.

As a patient, you will have voluntary opportunities to participate in speakers’ panels for other providers learning about LGBTQ+ care.

We appreciate and work closely with the medical assistants, nurses, mental health professionals, social workers and surgeons who are part of our team.

We strive to make and keep strong ties to LGBTQ+-affirming community organizations and resources.

We are dedicated to helping research many aspects of LGBTQ+ care.

As a patient, you will have opportunities to participate in voluntary research projects.

Researchers in the field may contact us to partner on projects.

Our locations

UK Health-Care – Turfland clinic: The main clinic for adults and children

Phyllis D Corbitt Community Health Center: A nurse practitioner-led clinic in Wilmore where one provider does full LGBTQ+ care on Wednesdays

University Health Service and Counseling Center: For University of Kentucky students

Surgery partners: The surgeons we refer to for gender-affirming procedures


UK Resources

Lexington & Kentucky Resources

More Resources

Note: UK HealthCare and Transform Health are not affiliated with the organizations listed above.

Transform Health is a partnership of UK HealthCare providers who have the shared goal of meeting many of the unique medical needs of people who identify in the broad LGBTQ+ spectrum in a way they can feel safe and affirmed while receiving evidence-based care.

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