Patient Mail, Flowers & Gifts
Sending Mail
Mail is delivered to patients Monday through Friday. Mail received after patients have left the hospital will be forwarded to their home.
Mail should be addressed as follows:
Patient first and last name
Room number
UK Chandler Hospital
800 Rose Street
Lexington, KY 40536
If you have any concerns about mail delivery, call the volunteer office at 859-323-6023.
Send eGreetings to a Patient

Send e-mail greetings to a friend or loved one currently hospitalized at UK Chandler Hospital, Markey Cancer Center or Kentucky Children's Hospital
Your message will be printed out and delivered by a UK HealthCare volunteer to the patient. Messages are delivered once a day, Monday through Friday. Any messages received on weekends will be delivered on the next business day. Around holidays, delivery may be delayed by 2-3 days.
Be sure to include the patient's first and last names and the town they're from to help ensure your greeting is delivered correctly. Please keep in mind when writing a personal message that it may be viewed by volunteers or UK HealthCare staff while being delivered.
Sending flowers
Flowers sent to patients will be delivered to their rooms, except for patients in intensive care units.
In ICUs, flowers will be left at the nursing station because they are not allowed in the critical-care patient areas.
Flowers are delivered by volunteers Monday through Friday.
If you have any questions regarding deliveries, please contact the Volunteer Office at 859-323-6023.
To place an order, please contact the hospital gift shops at 859-323-4127 or 859-257-1559.
Gifts and gift shops
Visitors should check with a nurse before bringing balloons or gifts of food or drink to patients. Latex balloons cannot be brought into the hospital.
Gift shops are located on the first floor of Pavilion H near the lobby and on the first floor of Pavilion A on the concourse. A wide range of personal care items, reading materials, cards, candy, snacks and unique gift items are available. Open 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Monday – Friday; 10:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. on Saturday; and 1 – 5 p.m. Sundays.
Cash, Visa and MasterCard are accepted. Credit card sales require a $3 minimum purchase.