Give to Advanced Eye Care

Woman with bandaged eye

Education, research and outreach are at the core of UK Advanced Eye Care’s mission.

Our mission in the UK Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences is to provide advanced eye care to our patients all throughout the Commonwealth and beyond. We do this in our state-of-the-art facility on UK’s campus, through our many regional clinic sites throughout the state and through our international partnerships - taking our expertise wherever it is needed. We also work hard to train the next generation of Ophthalmologists, providing excellent research and clinical care opportunities for our learners.

UK Advanced Eye Care patients, physicians, and staff have a brighter outlook thanks to generous donor support that funds clinical care, education, and research.

Whether you are a grateful patient, a past trainee, or a community member with an interest in eye care – you can partner with us in our mission by giving through the link below. You can also choose to honor your UK HealthCare Advanced Eye Care care-giver here.

Lindsey Clem
Director of Philanthropy Ophthalmology, 859-323-1313


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