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Tai Chi

What Is tai chi?

Often called “moving meditation,” tai chi is a Chinese martial art that combines a variety of slow, gentle movements, standing postures and deep breathing to focus the body’s energy and align mind, body and spirit.

What are the benefits of tai chi?

Tai chi is a low-impact form of exercise that can be easily adapted to suit any fitness level. By incorporating deep breathing and mental focus along with choreographed movements, tai chi improves overall fitness, flexibility, balance and muscle tone, in addition to relieving stress, promoting a positive outlook and energizing the body. Studies have shown that tai chi has a positive impact on the mind and body and can be beneficial in managing the side effects of many medical conditions.

Who can participate in tai chi at UK HealthCare?

UK HealthCare patients, family members or staff can take advantage of the tai chi sessions we provide. No special equipment or experience is necessary. Classes are educational and are tailored to meet the needs of participants at every skill level. Should you have any questions or concerns about physical limitations that may inhibit your ability to participate in tai chi, please talk to your physician.

About us

The UK Integrative Medicine & Health program focuses on the whole person, using all appropriate therapies, health care expertise and disciplines to achieve optimal health and healing. Our tai chi instructor, Robert Slocum, PhD, is a black belt in tai chi and a member of the UK Integrative Medicine & Health program.

Join us

Our classes and services are easily accessible for UK HealthCare patients, faculty and staff, with convenient parking in the outpatient lot in front of the Whitney-Hendrickson Building on the UK Markey Cancer Center campus. See the schedule of classes and events.

Tai Chi/Qi Gong classes are held on Wednesdays, with basic instruction at 1 p.m. and advanced instruction at 2 p.m.

Contact us

To learn more about tai chi or our Integrative Medicine & Health program, call 859-323-HEAL (4325).

UK Markey Cancer Center
Integrative Medicine Clinic
Whitney-Hendrickson Building, third floor
800 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40508


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