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Genomics Services - Other

We also provide a variety of other services, including:

Bioanalyzer RNA and DNA quality assessment

  • RNA Nano chip kit
  • RNA Pico kit
  • DNA 1000 kit
  • DNA HS kit

TapeStation RNA and DNA quality assessment

  • RNA
  • RNA HS kit
  • DNA 1000 kit
  • HS DNA 1000 kit
  • Genomic DNA

Covaris sonication

  • DNA
  • Ultrasonication for ChiP-Seq
  • Other


Miscellaneous Services Pricing

Name of service, description, price (Note: Non-UK clients pay list price plus 10 percent):

RES DNA QUANT BY QUBIT, DNA quantitation by qubit per sample, $2.08

RES RNA QUANT BY QUBIT, RNA quantitation by qubit per sample, $4.27

RES BIOANALYSIS DNA-1000, Agilent bioanalyzer DNA 1000, 1-12 samples, sizing 25-1000 bp, concentration range 0.1-50 ng/ul, require 1-2ul of DNA sample, $44.02

RES BIOANALYSIS DNA-HS, Agilent bioanlayzer DNA high sensitivity, 1-11 samples, sizing 50-7000bp, concentration range 5-500 pg/ul, require 1-2ul of DNA sample, $64.97

RES BIOANALYSIS NANODROP, Concentration of DNA/RNA samples using nanodrop spectrometer, requires 1-2ul of sample, $5.15

RES BIOANALYSIS RNA-NANO, Agilent bioanalyzer RNA 6000 RNA nano kit, 1-12 samples, concentration range 25-500 ng/ul, requires 1-2ul of RNA sample, $42.31

RES BIOANALYSIS RNA-PICO, Agilent bioanalyzer RNA pico kit, 1-11 samples, concentration range 50-5000 pg/ul, requires 1-2ul of RNA sample, $45.17

RES SONICATION SINGLE SAMPLE, Covaris sonication - to shear / process one sample, $32.00

RES SONICATION ADDITIONAL SAMPLE, Covaris sonication additional sample will include the base price of a single sample plus every additional sample cost, $7.50

RES TAPE STATION RNA, Tape station RNA analysis per sample, $17.84

RES TAPE HIGH SENSITIVITY DNA 1000, Tape station high sensitivity DNA analysis per sample, $16.34

RES TAPE HIGH SENSITIVITY RNA, Tape station high sensitivity RNA analysis per sample, $18.49

RES TAPE STATION GENOMIC DNA, Tape station genomic DNA analysis per sample, $16.39

RES TAPE STATION DNA 1000, Tape station DNA 1000 analysis per sample, $15.03