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A second-generation nCounter Analysis System from nanoString Technologies® is in place for direct measurement of copies of RNAs and microRNAs with high sensitivity and accuracy; as well as for DNA copy number variations genotyping.

The NanoString nCounter is a fully automated system for digital gene expression analysis through the use of a unique coding technology, to directly counting of individual mRNA molecules across all levels of biological expression, requiring as low as 100ng of total RNA or raw cell lysate of 10,000 cells to measure hundreds of genes. The instrumentation includes a prep station and a digital analyzer.

NanoString Pricing

Name of service, description, price (Note: Non-UK clients pay list price plus 10%):

RES MI-RNA PROCESSING, miRNA processing for NanoString nCounter, 12 samples, contact laboratory for concentration requirements, $155.00

RES RNA PROCESSING, RNA processing for NanoString nCounter system, 12 samples, contact laboratory for concentration requirements, $85.00

Instructions for Submitting RNA Samples for NanoString

Submit cellular total RNA extracts ( ≥100 ng in 5ul RNase-free H2O or buffer) or cellular lysate of 10,000 cells in ≥ 5ul lysis buffer (e.g. RLT), in sterile microfuge tubes.

*For miRNA assays, submit ≥165 ng cellular RNA in 5ul RNase-free H2O.

The core facility staff does not extract and prepare RNA from cells or tissues.

Note:  The quality of the RNA is essential to the overall success of the GeneChip analysis. Since the most appropriate protocol for the isolation of RNA can be source material-dependent, we recommend using a protocol that has been established for the tissues and cells being used. Or if you do not have an established protocol, we suggest using one of the commercially available kits designed for RNA isolation, following the manufacturer's instructions.

Good quality RNA has been obtained using the kits listed below:

  • Total RNA preparation from cells: QIAGEN's RNeasy Total RNA Isolation kit.
  • Total RNA preparation from tissues: Invitrogen Life Technologies' TRIzol reagent.