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In this section of our website, we hope to provide resources that you will find useful in expanding your knowledge and understanding of bioethics. If you are looking for something we don't currently offer and would like to suggest a resource, please contact us by e-mailing

Scheduled, Online and by Request

Bioethics education is an ongoing outreach activity of our program. Presentations, group case consultations, ethics rounds or "ethics at the bedside" are available to all clinical departments. For non-clinical departments at UK, bioethics presentations and seminars are also available. To schedule these activities, please contact the Program Director by e-mailing or calling 859-257-9474.

Introduction to Clinical Ethics: Clinical ethics pedagogy is a necessary and essential part of medical education for both residents and medical students. Faced with limited resources for teaching clinical ethics, and limited classroom time available for residents and medical students, the UK Program for Bioethics developed this novel multimedia computer-based-learning series designed to meet both ACGME guidelines in Ethics and Professionalism, as well as LCME guidelines in bioethics.
(These modules are currently unavailable while they are undergoing revision. We will announce when they are again available.)

Bioethics on film:  For any clinical or non-clinical department, we can offer a screening and panel discussion on any of the films listed here. An email discussion of the issues raised in these films can also be coordinated for small groups who view these after hours at home. These films are also excellent for viewing on your own.

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