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For Kate Moore, giving the COVID vaccine to her mother was "pure joy"

Kate Moore giving the COVID-19 vaccine to her mother.

Kate Moore, PA-C, is a physician assistant at the UK Gill Heart & Vascular Institute. In addition to her duties at Gill, she is volunteering at the UK Vaccine Clinic at Kroger Field, so she has a firsthand look at the vaccine process.

When Kate’s mother, Jodi Moore, received confirmation of her COVID-19 vaccine appointment here at UK, it was on a day when Kate was volunteering, so Kate was able to give her mom her first dose of the vaccine. We recently chatted with both Kate and Jodi about Kate’s work at Gill, the importance of the vaccine and the “pure joy” they felt at sharing the moment Jodi received her first dose of the vaccine. 

Kate, first of all, tell us about your work at Gill.

Kate: I am the Structural Heart physician assistant. I work with a very talented team of physicians who perform procedures such as TAVR (transcatheter aortic valve replacement), watchman, Mitraclip and PFO closure just to name a few. I have been with the team almost three years. 

Why should your patients get the vaccine? What would you say to encourage them to get it?

Kate: Heart disease is one of the pre-existing conditions which places a person at increased risk of developing severe COVID-19 symptoms. Since the vaccines have become available to the community, I have made it a point to take some time during each visit to ask my patients if they plan to vaccinate and answer any questions they may have. 

I find having an open, judgement-free conversation regarding misinformation that is out there regarding the vaccines and reviewing the benefits of the vaccines empowers my patients to make very informed decisions that are best for them.  

Why did you get the vaccine?

Kate: Getting the vaccine was a no brainer for me. Working in healthcare, I have seen first-hand the toll COVID-19 can take not only on patients, but their families as well. Because of this I wanted to take advantage of any opportunity I could to not only protect myself, but my patients and my own family as well. I jumped at the opportunity when I was offered the opportunity to receive the vaccine. 

What was it like giving your mom the vaccine? Did you all talk about it? Did you all have any fears or concerns? 

Kate: Having the opportunity to give my mom the vaccine was pure joy. She received her email to sign up Sunday evening and when she was able to get an appointment the same day I was volunteering – it seemed like fate. Our family had a group text going that morning. Everyone was so excited for my mom. My dad and sister are still waiting for their opportunity to receive their vaccines. 

My mom and I did discuss the vaccine, similar to what I do with my patients. She had no hesitations about receiving the vaccine. 

Jodi, what was it like getting the vaccine from your daughter?

Jodi: It was wonderful having Kate give me my vaccine. It was almost a surreal experience. This has been so difficult for everyone and now there’s hope on the horizon. 

What was the process like? Did it go smoothly?

Jodi: UK Healthcare did a fantastic job. Everything went extremely smooth. It was well organized. There was an excitement in the air both from those there to receive their vaccine and from the volunteers. I wish I knew who to personally thank for all of their hard work. 

Did you and your daughter talk about the vaccine before you received it?

Jodi: We spoke about the vaccine. Kate spoke with everyone in the family. We trust what she has to say given her experience and training. If Kate says we need to do something, we do it no hesitation. 

This content was produced by UK HealthCare Brand Strategy.

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