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Dr. Mark Fritz helps patients return to everyday life

Dr. Mark Fritz


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Mark Fritz, MD, is an assistant professor with the Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. He specializes in laryngology, dealing with airway, voice and swallowing disorders. On this week’s Making the Rounds, Dr. Fritz discusses his approach to patient care and his interest in “what makes us tick.”

What drew you to a career in medicine?

I'm always fascinated by our physiology in terms of how it made us sick and how we ticked. In college I did biomechanical engineering because I was fascinated with literally how it ticked and how you could make it work better. And then that led into medical school. And I really enjoyed ear, nose and throat and head and neck surgery for the very reason, because it's so functional in terms of our everyday lives, being able to utilize everything in our head.

What is your philosophy of patient care?

I really like to treat every patient that comes in my door like they were family. I like to know where they come from. I like to know what disease do they have, but also how does this disease affect their everyday life. What are they really trying to do? Are they trying to go to church on Sunday? Are they trying to sing in the choir? Are they trying to swallow enough to where they can be comfortable at Thanksgiving dinner? Just really know what is it that they're trying to get to be better in their life.

What do you find special about working at UK HealthCare?

One of the things that I do here that is not offered at many other places is in-office treatment of various laryngeal problems: in terms of injecting vocal folds, in terms of diagnosing esophageal problems with dysphagia and swallowing problems, and even diagnosing breathing troubles with airway stenosis patients. Be able to do that in the office without having to go to the operating room affords greater flexibility for the patient, as well as myself, in terms of not having to go to the operating room, of avoiding general anesthesia, as in getting that diagnosis quicker and treatment quicker.

Watch our full interview with Dr. Mark Fritz. 

This content was produced by UK HealthCare Brand Strategy.

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