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Joshua P. Steiner, MD Joshua P. Steiner, MD, FACS, FASMBS

  • Director of Bariatric Surgery

Joshua P. Steiner, MD Joshua P. Steiner, MD, FACS, FASMBS

  • Director of Bariatric Surgery

Dr. Joshua Steiner on building one of the premier weight loss surgery programs in the region

Dr. Joshua Steiner

Making the RoundsFor this week’s Making the Rounds, we interviewed Joshua P. Steiner, MD, FACS, FASMBS, the director of Weight Loss Surgery at UK HealthCare. Dr. Steiner is an experienced bariatric surgeon with expertise in endoscopic and laparoscopic bariatric surgery as well as minimally invasive approaches for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). 

We recently chatted with Dr. Steiner about how he settled on weight loss surgery as a career, what he finds most rewarding about his work and how UK HealthCare is “building one of the most premier bariatric programs in the region.”

How did you get started in bariatric surgery, and what brought you to Kentucky?

I returned to Kentucky about 20 years ago to start a bariatric program in the private sector, and it's been a wonderful, wonderful journey. Initially, bariatric surgery wasn't even on my radar. But during the course of my fellowship, and taking care of the patients for a full year, and seeing the change that I was making in their lives, it became my passion and my desire of what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. 

So after settling back in Lexington 20 years ago, and raising three boys, I have decided to change my practice and help start a bariatric program at the University of Kentucky, and it's been one of the most rewarding choices I've ever made. 

Tell us more about the Weight Loss Surgery program here at UK HealthCare.

This is a region that has such a great deal of obesity-related problems and diseases. And the University had such a great need for a program, that it's been a wonderful mix to blend my talents, and that of Drs. Roth and Dr. Inabnet, and we are building one of the most premier bariatric programs in the region. 

We will take care of really, all comers, and we'll help get you through the journey, and we look forward to taking care of you. 

For more information about UK HealthCare's Weight Loss Surgery Program, click here to visit our website, or call 859-562-1999.

Watch our full interview with Dr. Steiner.

This content was produced by UK HealthCare Brand Strategy.

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