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News, Blogs and Health Information

The news content type has five different labels:

  • News
  • Blog
  • Health Information
  • In the News
  • Award

News, blogs and health information are all articles written by our content team. The "News" label is for stories about a newsworthy topic, such as an announcement of new funding for research. The "Blog" label is for stories that are more informational than newsworthy, such as "Making the Rounds" interviews with providers. "Health information" is evergreen content directed to consumers.

The "In the News" and "Awards" labels are used for linking to news stories from outside sources. "In the News" stories come from print or electronic media, while the "Awards" label is used for awards such as Best Doctors, or accreditations such as URAC and NCI designations. 

Some articles, such as the U.S. News & World Report Best Hospitals list, will fall into more than one category, in this case both "Awards" and "In the News." A "News" article or "Health information" may also be a blog post.

Title, type, author & date


This field is required. Use standard capitalization rules.

News type

This field is required. More than one option may be selected. The label will display at the top of the article just above the date. Applying a label from this field also affects how the page is presented on the site. Selecting "Blog" will allow a listing to be created with all blog posts. It also adds the blog post to the list of articles displayed in the sidebar of other blog posts, grouped by month.

Blog post with blog archives


If the news item is written by a UK HealthCare employee who is not on the content team (i.e., doctor, researcher, etc.), add their name here. List UK HealthCare as the author for content produced by the content team. This field is not required.


Use the date picker to enter the date the article was first published. You may backdate an article. This field is not required.

Body & summary


Text in this field may be styled using common formatting, including italics, bold, links, etc. This field is not required, as the content may be a podcast or video, entered into a separate field. Use subheads and blockquotes to break up dense copy, if appropriate.

Use h2 (and smaller) header styles. Do not use bold text as a header. Make sure to create a hotlink for URLs. Do not include phone numbers if they are the same as the phone number that appears in the related service location. If you do add a phone number, be sure to create a hyperlink using this format: tel:859-257-1000. This will enable touch-to-call capability.


This field appears in a preview, such as the featured news on the home page. If the story is featured on the home page you may need to edit the text for length.

Text entered in this field will appear in any listing that is styled to permit preview text. This field is not required. If nothing is entered, the first few lines of text from the body will be used by default.



The image entered in this field will appear as a banner immediately below the headline. The image size is 900 pixels wide, by 300 pixels in height. This field is not required, however, once an image is added, alt text is required. If an image is not included, there will be no image in the preview if the article is included in a listing. If the article begins with a video, such as Making the Rounds, try to make sure it doesn’t look exactly like the preview image of the video.

Photo Gallery

This field is not currently being used.



There are three related fields for videos:

  • Video Headline
  • Video URL
  • Video Caption

All fields are optional. Only YouTube videos may be added. More than one video may be added by clicking the "Add another item" button, however, there will be only one headline and only one caption. When deciding whether to use this field, bear in mind that videos added in this manner appear at the top of the page, above any content in the body field. This may not be desirable, particularly if an article also features a banner image. As an alternative, videos may be added to the body field using html. Contact a member of the web team for assistance.

External news

This field is for a URL to an external news source and is optional.


Click on the "Podcast" button to display the fields. These fields are not required. More than one podcast may be added by clicking the "Add Audio File" button. 


This is the title of the podcast and is optional.


Upload a file here, if the podcast is not available through UK HealthCast. Only MP3 files are permitted. The maximum file size is 256 KB. 


If the podcast is hosted elsewhere, add the URL here.


If the podcast is uploaded or hosted elsewhere, you must provide a transcript. Only one transcript may be uploaded (2 MB, maximum). Allowed file types are .txt .pdf.

Note: This field is for podcasts other than UK HealthCast, hosted by Radio MD. To embed UK HealthCast podcasts follow the instructions from Radio MD to embed it in the body.

Relating content

These fields allow Drupal to associate related content. It is important to complete these fields as fully as possible. "Practice area," "Related service" and "Service line" are similar-sounding fields, but they are different, so all three need to be completed if possible.

Some blog posts or news stories may at first seem to be unrelated to a specific service or practice area. To decide whether or not to list a service, think about whether or not that topic would belong on a news feed of a specific page. For instance, an article on heat safety for children would be related to Kentucky Children's Hospital, General Pediatrics, Family & Community Medicine and the Med-Peds Clinic (General Internal Medicine & Pediatrics). Anyone visiting those pages might be interested in that topic.


Adding one or more topics will allow related content to be linked throughout the site and will make blog posts and health content searchable by topic. Click in the field and begin typing to see suggested matches. Clicking without typing will display the full "Tags" taxonomy so that you can scroll through the list. If the term you are searching for is not included, you may add it to the taxonomy, here. (You will need to save your work, then edit the news item again to see the new tag.)

Add as many terms as desired. This field is not required, but related content will not be available unless it is tagged.

Practice Area

Click in the field and begin typing to see suggested matches in the "Practice Area" taxonomy. You may view the full taxonomy here, however, you may not edit this taxonomy. If the term you are searching for is not found, contact a member of the web team for assistance.

Related Profile

While not a required field, this is an important step. Do not omit it. Adding related profiles in this field will create a link to the article on the individual's profile. Click "Add another item" for additional profiles. Add as many profiles as needed.

Example of related news on a provider profile.

Related Service

This field allows news to be displayed on the related service page. While not a required field, it adds functionality to the site. Click "Add another item" if more than one service is related. Note: "service" and "service line" are not the same. One service line will offer multiple services.

Service line

Begin typing in the field to see a list of potential matches. This field will allow multiple selections. This is not a required field.

Subsite parent

If the article pertains to one service line it may be displayed in the appropriate subsite template. If it pertains to more than one service line, do not make a selection as only one selection is permitted.

Selecting a subsite parent will create a link in the subsite menu. IMPORTANT: The menu link is automatically added to the top-level navigation for the subsite. In the example below, the patient story is the new content. It belongs under Cancer Types >> Bone Cancer.

Example of a subsite menu showing a new page.

Immediately following publication you must edit the subsite menu to place the page where it belongs.

Editing the menu.

From the subsite home page, select "Subsite Menu" then using the crosshairs, drag and drop the new page into the correct place in the menu.

Reviewed by content team

This field is used only by the content team to track content that may require updating or removal.

Service location

If appropriate, service locations may be added. Begin typing in the field to see a list of suggested matches. If needed, click "Add another item" for additional locations. Service locations can be tricky, as the name of the content itself is intended to be descriptive and may not match the display name used for the location.

Service location example

The news content type does not provide for page sections or CTAs. If the news article is not a blog post, you should add a generic location to prevent the text from spanning the full width of the page. See more about this topic.