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Colorectal Surgery


UK Colorectal Surgery’s board-certified colon and rectal surgeons specialize in diseases of the small bowel, colon, rectum and anus with a special concentration in minimally invasive surgery of the gastrointestinal tract and the abdominal solid organs. The surgeons have completed training in general surgery and advanced training in the treatment of surgical and non-surgical colon and rectal problems. They treat benign and malignant conditions, perform routine screening examinations and surgically treat problems when necessary.

What conditions might require colorectal surgery?

Surgery on the gastrointestinal tract becomes necessary when other treatment options have not solved the problem. These colorectal diseases are among those that might require surgical intervention:

Anorectal disorders: Hemorrhoids, fissures, and abscesses or fistulas may require surgery. An anal fissure is a small tear in the lining of the anus. An anal abscess, a pus-filled cavity caused by infection, might need to be drained. Anal fistulas, which are like small tunnels from an opening inside the anal canal to an outside opening in the skin near the anus, often result from anal abscesses. 

Hemorrhoids: Blood vessels in the area of the anus that are enlarged and bulge – can be treated by nonsurgical procedures but sometimes might require rubber band ligation or removal.

Diverticular disease: This condition causes bulges or sacs to form in the lining of the colon, possibly leading to abscesses or perforation of the colon. Surgery is sometimes necessary to remove part of the colon.  

Inflammatory bowel disease: Crohn’s disease (an inflammatory condition found anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract) and ulcerative colitis (an inflammatory condition limited to the colon) might necessitate surgery when complications develop.

Colorectal cancer: Surgery might be required to remove tumors or part of the colon itself when cancer is found.

More information

American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons,

This content was produced by UK HealthCare Brand Strategy.

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