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UK HealthCast: Inherited Cancer Syndrome Clinic

Picture of Dr. John D'Orazio and Dr. Angela Shaw

UK HealthCast is a podcast featuring interviews with UK HealthCare experts on a variety of health-related topics, from how to recognize stroke symptoms to what patients need to know about clinical trials and more. 

On this week’s episode Dr. John D’Orazio, chief of pediatric hematology at UK HealthCare, and pediatric hematologist oncologist Dr. Angela M. Shaw discuss what you should know about inherited cancer syndrome, from diagnosis and treatment to telecare, insurance and the collaborative, multidisciplinary team providing expert care at the DanceBlue Hematology/Oncology Clinic and NCI-designated Markey Cancer Center

“Since each predisposition syndrome is different, what we do for each patient is a little bit different and it’s more tailored to what they need,” said Dr. Shaw. “Our goal is to help families identify potential problems for their children in the future and to follow them throughout their childhood and young adulthood, to really make sure that we are giving them appropriate medical care and that they're followed.” 

One of the reasons I should say why we can offer the services because of the strength of our NCI-designated Markey Cancer Center. It's a very strong Cancer Center and it has a wonderful cancer genetics team,” said Dr. D’Orazio. “We're also beginning to have the ability to have patients just self-refer to our clinic if they are interested in this consultative service. There are many ways that these patients can find us and come to us.”

Listen to the full podcast below.

This content was produced by UK HealthCare Brand Strategy.

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