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Kids, car seats and bulky coats don’t mix. Here’s why.

Mother and toddler daughter dressed in winter clothes inside a car.

If you’re about to buckle your child into his or her car seat, think twice before you zip up that bulky winter coat.

Puffy winter clothes and coats have too much wiggle room, which can cause your child to slip out of the harness should the car stop suddenly.

Here’s how to keep your kids safe in the car, even when it’s freezing outside:

Dress your child in warm, thin materials, such as fleece.

Remove bulky clothing and blankets before putting you child in their car seat.

Adjust the harness straps to the proper height. For rear-facing seats, straps should be at or below the child’s shoulders. For forward-facing seats, straps should be at or above the child’s shoulders.

Buckle and tighten the harness straps. Place the chest clip at armpit level.

Do the “pinch test” by pinching the strap at your child’s shoulder. If you are unable to pinch any excess webbing, the car seat is safely buckled.

After your child is safely fastened, place a blanket or their winter coat over the car seat harness to keep them warm.

This content was produced by UK HealthCare Brand Strategy.

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