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Health and wellness tips for every decade of a woman’s life

Five happy female friends

In our society, women often care for everyone else – parents, spouses, children – first and neglect themselves. Looking after yourself isn’t selfish – it’s the best way to keep on doing what you do for those around you.

Here are a few guidelines to keep you healthy and happy as you age.

At any age:

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables and embrace the challenge of cooking for yourself. Try to limit how often you go out to eat to once or twice a week.
  • If you’re a smoker, take action to quit. And if you’re not a smoker, don’t start!
  • Always wear a seatbelt when riding in a car, and never text and drive.
  • Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical exercise each day. Here are a few tips to get you going.
  • Protect your skin by using sunscreen and avoiding indoor tanning. Exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun and tanning beds can cause melanoma, the deadliest type of skin cancer. And when you step out in the sun, here are some tips for protecting your skin.

In your 20s:

  • If you’re 26 or younger, ask your doctor about getting an HPV vaccine, which protects against the types of human papilloma virus that most typically cause cervical cancer.
  • Take 400 to 800 mcg of folic acid daily, which can promote a healthy pregnancy and also prevent a certain type of anemia.
  • Schedule a yearly doctor’s visit. Discuss whether you’re planning to have a child in the next year or which birth control options might be right for you.
  • Learn your family health history. Knowing whether members of your family have had cancer, high blood pressure, a heart attack or depression can help you and your healthcare provider guide your care now and into the future.
  • Ask your doctor about these tests, medicines and vaccines.

In your 30s:

  • Don’t neglect your mental health. Conditions such as anxiety, eating disorders and postpartum depression can significantly impact your life. Simple things like staying in touch with family and friends, exercising, and getting good sleep can boost your mental health.
  • Ask your doctor about these tests, medicines and vaccines.

In your 40s:

In your 50s:

In your 60s:

  • Keep moving! Try something new like swimming, yoga or Pilates.
  • Stay in touch with those close to you. As children move away from home, it’s easy to feel isolated or alone. Be proactive in building and maintaining a network of friends and family.
  • Ask your doctor about these tests, medicines and vaccines. 

70s and older:

  • Stay active. Exercise promotes physical and mental health and resiliency, helping keep your body and mind vibrant as you age.
  • Be a role model for health. Make sure you’re setting good examples for the girls and young women in your life. Be available to talk with young women in your life who may be experiencing increased anxiety or depression as they undergo a time of physical and personal growth.
  • Aim for between seven and eight hours of sleep per night. Insomnia is common among older women, but keeping your bedroom dark, limiting caffeine intake and turning off electronics close to bedtime can help you get a good night’s sleep.
  • Ask your doctor about these tests, medicines and vaccines.


This content was produced by UK HealthCare Brand Strategy.

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