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Become the best parent you can be through the Parenting for Dads and Partner class

Parents welcome birth of their baby.

Parenthood is an exciting milestone. But adjusting to your new life with your baby can seem daunting at first.

To help prepare you, UK HealthCare offers Parenting for Dads and Partners, an informal gathering where you can ask questions and learn information from Dr. Bryan Rone about your new role. Not only is Rone a board certified OB-GYN, but he’s also a dad with four children, ages 5 through 13. That’s why Rone is passionate about engaging fathers and partners in the birth process.

"The Parenting for Dads and Partners class is designed to encourage and enable dads and partners to be involved and supportive during a pregnancy and beyond," said Rone. "This class will focus on dads and partners and how they can support their partner in pregnancy, communicate about their fears and needs in an evolving relationship, and strategies to bond with their newborn baby. I’m looking forward to meeting our dads and partners as they prepare for an exciting and memorable part of their lives."

The classes will be held on the following days at 6:30 p.m. at UK Good Samaritan Hospital:

  • June 6
  • August 1
  • October 3
  • December 5

To register, call the Childbirth Education program at 859-323-2750. Learn more about other childbirth education classes.

This content was produced by UK HealthCare Brand Strategy.

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