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“There was glass everywhere,” said Cacy. “I just held him.”
fixes empty view field issue
“He really likes to drive things,” said Cacy. “He always has.”
fixes empty view field issue
”I have a lot of optimism for his future given the strength and resilience that he has,” said Dr. Peter Timoney.
fixes empty view field issue
“They did a really thorough job,” said Cacy. “I feel like he was being taken care of really well.”
fixes empty view field issue
“His school has been so helpful,” said Cacy. “We’re lucky to have them.”
Malakai Roberts

“He still dreams in vision.”

It was four days before Christmas 2020. After staying up late playing together, Cacy Roberts and her sons—5-year-old Malakai and 3-year-old Kameron—were asleep in her bed upstairs. At 2 a.m., all three were startled awake by gunfire.

A candid photo of Malakai’s mother, Cacy Roberts, smiling as she wraps her arms around Malakai. She is a Black woman with long dark hair and bangs. She is wearing a light green top and gold hoop earrings.
“There was glass everywhere,” said Cacy. “I just held him.”
A candid photo of Malakai riding a small motorized cart around his neighborhood.
“He really likes to drive things,” said Cacy. “He always has.”
A photo of Dr. Peter Timoney smiling for the camera while sitting in his office.
”I have a lot of optimism for his future given the strength and resilience that he has,” said Dr. Peter Timoney.
A candid photo of Malakai smiling while pushing his bike outside.
“They did a really thorough job,” said Cacy. “I feel like he was being taken care of really well.”
A photo of Malakai sitting at home and practicing on his typewriter.
“His school has been so helpful,” said Cacy. “We’re lucky to have them.”

Cacy quickly realized the shots were coming into the house and pulled Malakai and Kameron onto the floor. But as she reached over to grab Malakai, she was struck in the arm by a bullet—the same bullet that went through Malakai’s temple.

“He’s in shock. He’s not crying,” Cacy said. “I’m trying to hold him and he’s telling me he can’t breathe, he can’t breathe. He said his vision was going in and out. They took him to the hospital, and then they took me in another ambulance behind him.”

When Malakai arrived at the Makenna David Pediatric Emergency Center at Kentucky Children’s Hospital, the on-call pediatric trauma physician was encouraged by how alert and responsive he was. “We were worried about his vision and his eyesight, but looking at the trajectory, I remember thinking, ‘this doesn’t appear to be a lethal injury,’” said Dr. John Draus, former division chief of pediatric surgery who has since left UK HealthCare. “The gunshot wound went in one side of his temple and out the other.”

Malakai’s injury wasn’t fatal, but it was still incredibly serious: the bullet damaged his eyes and optic nerves, and fractured the front of his skull. He lost his senses of sight, taste and smell. It was a devastating injury—but Malakai was alive and ready to prove his strength of spirit.

‘This young guy is going places’

Dr. Peter Timoney, an oculoplastics surgeon at Kentucky Children’s Hospital, first met Malakai and Cacy in the pediatric ICU the day after the injury, and was immediately impressed by both. Even though Malakai had direct damage to both eyes and optic nerves, he and Cacy remained strong and positive in those first few difficult days.

“We wanted to make sure that he wasn’t in any pain, because both eyes were severely damaged,” Dr. Timoney said. “We discussed the nature of the injuries, and what they entailed, with both Malakai and his mom.”

Incredibly, Malakai didn’t require immediate surgery, and his medical team was able to get him home for a visit over Christmas before the surgery to repair his skull. After close monitoring, Dr. Timoney and Malakai’s family eventually decided to remove his right eye with orbital implant placement. He was later fit for an ocular prosthetic.

“The care was awesome,” Cacy said. “UK HealthCare is a top-of-the-line hospital, and we’re really lucky in that we were very close to such a good hospital and able to get good care for Malakai.”

“Malakai is very passionate, eager, and inquisitive—his questions are amazing. This, along with his mother’s determination, patience and understanding will be instrumental in fulfilling Malakai’s dreams,” Dr. Timoney said. “His injuries were a life-changing event, but I don’t think it will restrict him. This young guy is going places.”

Adapting & thriving

Dr. Timoney was right. Malakai recently joined the Future Healers program through the University of Louisville and Christopher 2X Game Changers. This outreach program identifies local children affected by gun violence and introduces them to the field of medicine.

Malakai also has become a student at Kentucky School for the Blind, where he spent two weeks in the orientation program to learn how to manage schoolwork, living skills, socialization, mobility and more. The program offers short week-long courses every few months for kids like Malakai who are adjusting to their new loss of sight, and also helps coordinate daily support services at Malakai’s elementary school, where he receives braille and mobility instruction.

“He’s very, very smart and very curious,” says Cacy. “He likes to take things apart, see how they work. They call him the question master in class, because he asks so many questions. He really likes to ride his bike, really likes to drive things.”

Malakai continues to adapt, thrive, and surprise everyone around him. He recently watched a movie with his mother—one that he had seen shortly before his injury. As Cacy began narrating the action, Malakai stopped her and said he remembered the movie, and to her shock, he correctly explained what would happen next on the screen.

“He tells me he still dreams in vision. He has adapted really well to this experience. I’ve always felt like he was a special kid, but now everyone gets to see it, too.”

Produced by UK HealthCare Brand Strategy