School bus safety

School buses are the safest mode of transportation for getting children to and from school, but injuries can occur if kids are not careful when getting on and off the bus.
Tell your children to:
- Stand at least three giant steps from the curb while waiting for the bus.
- Use the handrails while boarding and exiting the bus.
- Be careful of straps or drawstrings that could get caught in the door.
- Instead of standing up or moving, tell the bus driver if they drop something.
- After exiting the bus, take five giant steps in front of the bus and make eye contact with the bus driver before crossing the street.
For drivers, remember to:
- Follow speed limits and slow down in bus loading/unloading areas.
- Stay alert for kids walking to and from buses.
- Stop when driving near a bus that is flashing yellow or red lights.
This content was produced by UK HealthCare Brand Strategy.