Pedestrian safety, especially for older kids

Did you know that pedestrian death and injury rate among older children and teenagers is now twice that of younger children? Unsurprisingly, that increase is believed to be related to distractions caused by the use of cellphones and other electronic devices.
To prevent accidents and injuries, tell your children to avoid these dangerous behaviors while walking:
- Talking on the phone.
- Texting.
- Playing handheld gaming devices.
- Using ear buds or headphones.
Other tips for pedestrians:
- Always stay alert and be aware of your surroundings.
- Remind children of all ages the basics of pedestrian safety:
- Cross only at crosswalks and obey traffic signals.
- Look both ways and listen, before stepping off the curb.
- Walk, don’t run while crossing the street.
This content was produced by UK HealthCare Brand Strategy.