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Gill’s Moliterno named editor of prestigious cardiovascular journal

UK Gill Heart & Vascular Institute
Dr. David Moliterno
Dr. David Moliterno

The American College of Cardiology has named Gill Heart & Vascular Institute’s Dr. David J. Moliterno, the new editor-in-chief of JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions.

Moliterno is the Jack M. Gill Chair and professor of the Department of Internal Medicine at UK. He is also a member of the interventional cardiology faculty at the UK Gill Heart Institute. He has been involved with numerous investigational studies in cardiovascular medicine over the last two decades, with a primary research interest in acute coronary syndromes.

“Interventional cardiology is an ever-growing and exciting subspecialty in cardiovascular medicine that is essential to treating our sickest patients,” said Moliterno. “I am honored to be the next editor of  JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions at a time when so many important advancements are occurring in the field.”

JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions covers interventional cardiovascular medicine and is ranked among the top ten cardiovascular journals for its scientific impact.

Moliterno has been an active member of the ACC, including as a member of the Board of Governors, Strategic Education Committee, and the Interventional Section Leadership Council.

Moliterno’s term will begin in March.

This content was produced by UK HealthCare Brand Strategy.

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