Burning Calories
How many calories can you burn in 30 minutes?
You should always check with your doctor before beginning an exercise routine. But for almost everyone, even a little physical activity can have big benefits to your health. See how many calories you could burn in 30 minutes of these activities, based on your weight. (The lower number is for someone weighing 150 lbs. and the higher number is for someone weighing 200 lbs.)
- Kissing: 36 to 48 calories
- Golf (walking): 130 to 174 calories
- Jogging: 337 to 450 calories
- Vacuuming: 87 to 113 calories
- Basketball: 202 to 270 calories
- Dusting: 80 to 106 calories
- Hiking: 206 to 276 calories
- Gardening: 162 to 216 calories
- Walking the dog: 148 to 198 calories
- Swimming: 302 to 402 calories
- Mowing: 162 to 216 calories
- Bicycling: 220 to 294 calories
- Horseback riding: 144 to 192 calories
- Watching TV: 36 to 48 calories
- Shoveling snow: 202 to 270 calories
- Tennis: 275 to 366 calories
This content was produced by UK HealthCare Brand Strategy.