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UK HealthCast: Exploring cardio-oncology with Dr. Amit Arbune

Dr. Arbune

UK HealthCast is a series of podcasts and video interviews featuring UK HealthCare experts discussing a variety of health-related topics.

For this edition we spoke to Dr. Amit Arbune, director of the UK Gill Heart & Vascular Institute Cardio-Oncology Program.

Dr. Arbune discussed several aspects of the relatively new field of cardio-oncology, which focuses on ensuring the heart health of cancer patients, and what makes UK HealthCare a leader in the field.   

Watch our UK HealthCast interview with Dr. Arbune below to learn more. You can also visit the UK Gill Heart & Vascular Institute Cardio-Oncology homepage here for more information. 

This content was produced by UK HealthCare Brand Strategy.

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    Heart Health