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Here’s how to help your child avoid common summer injuries

Summer injury blog

Summer is here, which means warmer weather and longer days. Children are out of school and many will spend time outdoors enjoying the sunshine and playing. That means an increased risk of outdoor injuries. During the summer, there is an increase in the number of bicycle/scooter, water, playground, burn, and trampoline injuries to kids. Many of these injuries can be prevented with proper precautions.

Bicycle/scooter injuries

To prevent bicycle and scooter injuries, it is important to wear a properly fitted helmet, which can reduce the risk of a brain injury by up to 88 percent. Knee and elbow pads can also reduce the impact of a fall. If a child rides late in the afternoon or at dark, make sure they are wearing fluorescent clothing so they are visible to others.

Water and drowning injuries

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), drowning is the leading cause of death for children 1-4 years of age. To prevent water injuries and drowning, make sure children are being supervised closely. When children are around natural water, properly fitted life jackets should be used for all activities. Teach children the buddy system and choose swimming sites that have on-duty lifeguards when possible.

Playground injuries

Playground injuries can range from cuts and scrapes to broken bones and head injuries. Most of these injuries occur from falls. For example, falling on gravel or concrete, falling from playground equipment, etc. Choosing a playground with soft surfaces such as wood chips, rubber or mulch can minimize the risk of injury. Adult supervision is important at the playground. It’s important to teach children proper playground etiquette, such as staying seated while swinging and using a slide one person at a time.

Burn injuries

Summer brings more cook outs, camp fires and fireworks. To prevent burn injuries, never allow children to play around hot stoves or campfires. Adults should never leave active fires, grills, or stoves unattended. It’s important to talk to children about fire escape routes and teach them what to do and expect if an emergency occurs.

Trampoline injuries

Trampoline injuries are often similar to playground injuries. To prevent trampoline injuries, it’s important to limit the number of people on the trampoline. The best strategy is to allow one person on the trampoline at a time and take turns. A trampoline net can also help reduce the risk of falling injuries.

Any of the injuries listed above can range from minor to very severe. If your child suffers any type of injury, it is important to assess the severity and call a medical professional to determine if additional care is needed. Injuries such as decreased range of motion, increased pain and tenderness, dizziness, and loss of consciousness should be examined by a medical professional. It is best to seek medical attention for an injury as soon as possible.

This content was produced by UK HealthCare Brand Strategy.

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